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chapter twenty-seven

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chapter twenty-seven

just a few weeks ago Yanmei was interested in the idea of being a mother, of having a child. but now as the 20 year old woman stares down at the child before her, a child that had just lost both her parents yet still beams in excitement at the people in front of her, she now questions everything.

"so..." Aang begins, rocking back and forth on his feet as he stands in the kitchen with his friends, "what do we do now?"

all of their eyes turn back to the 3 year old, who they learned to be named Keera, as she plays with momo. well, she's grabbing his tail and ears and laughing while he screams for help.

after saving the child from her burning apartment, Yanmei declared that she would take care of the little girl. a spur of the moment ideas really. sure, she had helped take care of Hira when she lived in Kerkaw, but Keera was much younger and needed more attention than Hira did at that time.

"we had some kid stuff back at our place, but since they're rebuilding part of our floor we can't really get it" Sokka spoke. he and Yanmei were staying with Aang, Katara, and Toph while their building was under construction.

"kids like food, right? why don't we get her something to eat?"


Katara smacked her brother in the back of the head, "no everything is about meat. just let Yanny and I handle everything. we got it"

Yanmei stared at her friend with wide eyes, "we do?"

she gave Yanmei her famous motherly look, "it was your decision to bring her here, you are now responsible for taking care of her"

"I don't know how to handle toddlers! I haven't really been around kids like you and Sokka have. i'm pretty new to this whole thing"

Toph sighs, "like I mentioned, just get the poor kid some food. it's been a couple hours since the incident and it's dark out, she probably hasn't eaten"

"wow, Toph, that was actually kind of smart"

"are you calling me dumb, baldy?!"

"n-no! of course not!"

Yanmei huffed at her two friends, "alright! we haven't eaten either so let's all make some dinner. what we got here?"

Sokka looked around the counter, "I see a banana and some cabbage"

"restaurant it is then!" Yanmei called out, walking over towards the child, "are you hungry, Keera? wanna get some food?"

Keera let go of momo, who then ran towards Aang, and her eyes lit up at the mention of food.

"I want meat!"

Sokka gleamed at this, "look! she likes meat too! this is awesome!"

Katara smacked him once again, "no one cares! let's just go get some food before the whole town goes to sleep"

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