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chapter five

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chapter five

3 years later...

currently, Manami was training with Daria on the beach. no one came to their side of the beach, so it was a perfect place to practice without being noticed. they had bee practicing everyday so that Manami could get better than she was before. Xuan Yige hadn't spoken to her in a while, but that didn't stop her from going into the spirit world to try and get answers herself. 

"you've got to be the best water bender i've ever seen!" Daria smiled at Manami. the younger girl was even better of a waterbender than she was before. her fire bending had gotten better too, and since she had no reason to fight with anger, her fire was back to its natural bright red color.

Manami bow'd, "only because I have the best teacher"

"oh, stop it! you're a natural!"

"well I do have the spirit of a ten-thousand year old dual bender inside me" this caused both girls to laugh. Manami has grown close with everyone in the family over time, and she truly felt as if she belonged with them.

storm clouds started to cover the sky and the girls immediately stopped laughing, "we should head back to the house"

Manami smirked, "race?"

Daria mirrored her facial expression, "you're on!"


the door slams open and shut as the man walks into the restaurant. all heads turn to him and their faces are flooded with fear. the man smirks and take a spot at the bar beside a boy.

"anything yet?" he asks with his raspy voice.

"give me some more time" the boy sighs.

the mans face hardens, "it's been 3 years! boss is getting aggravated. he won't wait much longer"

the boy turns his head to face the man, "my father will have to put on his patience pants for once in his life and let me do my job. if he wants the girl, he has to do it on my  time. got it?"

the man chuckles, "do you think you scare me, kid?"

"you won't be laughing when i ram your head through that wall" the boy snarls, nodding towards the wall a few feet away.

the man slams his fist against the stone table and the whole thing shatters causing everyone to turn their heads towards them, "i'd like to see you try, cause you seem to forget who the bender is around here"

the boy narrows his eyes towards the man, "fuck off. if my father wants to threaten me he can do it himself"

"come on, Shan. just get the girl to tell you she's in love with you and then break her little heart. the rest will be finished by the boss man. it's quite simple"

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