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chapter twenty-nine

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chapter twenty-nine

a week passed before more news reached Yanmei and the Avatar about the Alzitan group rising in Ba Sing Se. Haru came back to their home to give them the name of their leader, Jianjun.

Toph, Sokka, and Aang kept themselves busy during the week. Toph started training her metal-bending students even harder and Sokka and Aang continued to help with the Cranefish council. Katara decided to stay at the home with Yanmei to help her take care of Keera. Katara has had years of experience with children, but Yanmei barely knows a thing about them besides her own unpleasant experiences, so she's been giving her pointers on how to take care of kids.

despite the news of this new threat to their group, Yanmei and her friends have been living peacefully. they're all together once again, and even have a cute new addition to the family.

Yanmei also hasn't seen her brother since their meeting at the beach. half of her wishes to know him better, seeing that he's most likely the only family she has left unless her grandmother in the North Pole hasn't passed yet. but the other half of her is frightened. she's scared to face the dark truth of her family, that she, Yakone, and her mother are all supposed to be expert blood-benders. she hates that power of hers, all it does is cause trouble.

she also hasn't told anyone about her fire yet. it terrified her to see the black hues in her palm that day at the beach, it was another change that she didn't want to face. so much change had already happened. she simply wants to focus on the present.

and in the present she was happy, the happiest she has been in a long time. Yanmei was currently sitting on a blanket in the backyard of Aang and Katara's home while playing with Keera. Sokka came back that day with some of the children toys they had in their apartment and now they were given to Keera.

Sokka lays on the blanket horizontally with a smile on his lips as he watches them. he had planned out what his future would look like with Yanmei the moment he saw her. it was love at first sight for him. he never has and never will love someone as much as he loves her. and being able to live in a version of his dream future with Yanmei brought him so much happiness.

he didn't predict what it took for them to get here, but he was great fun for it regardless. his Yanmei was back, alive and well, and though this child before them is not genetically his, he's more than happy to have the opportunity to raise her with Yanmei as their own.

"I could get used to this" Sokka grins as his attention moves solely on Yanmei.

the young woman looks up from the blocks she's playing with to entertain Keera and looks towards her boyfriend, "I'd hope so, because you're stuck with us"

Sokka chuckles, "i'm not stuck if I want to be here. it's been my dream for a long time to be in this exact moment"

Yanmei looks back down at Keera to cover her blush on her cheeks with her hair, "is that so?"

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