Chapter 1

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( Yes I made another book and what about it.... Sike I'm jp love y'all)

I heard my alarm start going off and I woke up. I turned it off and got up. I went into the bathroom quickly and did what I needed to do. I came back out got dressed.

( Fit without the beanie or if you want it keep it idc)

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( Fit without the beanie or if you want it keep it idc)

I fixed my clothes and made sure they were neat before making my bed. I decided to open the blinds to let some light in as I do the blinds in the house next from me open. I see Ms.Popular Normani Kordei Hamilton . She just looked at me then rolled her eyes and walked away from the window. I sighed and walked away. What the hell did I ever do to her. I grabbed my keys and walked down the steps to see my mom.

" Hey mama" i said kissing her cheek.

" Hey y/n glad your up I might need some help at the diner so when your done fixing cars at the shop can y-"

" Yes ma I'll be there don't worry about it. Low on staff today" i asked.

" Yeah" she sighed. " I don't know what I'd do without you" she said looking at me.

" Back at you ma but I have to go I'll see you later" i said going out the door. I ran to my car and unlocked it. I got in it and made my way to hell.

I pulled up and parked. I turned the car off and got out. I started to head inside the school when a car almost hit me. I jumped back in time and they parked a few feet away. I saw Normani and her Boyfriend Arin get out. I rolled my eyes and started walking into the school.

I was at my locker when someone closed it almost smashing my hand in the process.

" Hey freak.. Did you get my homework done" Arin asked.

" Yeah here and next time can you try and not kill me while your driving" i said giving it to him.

" I do what I want you ugly little freak" he said pushing me into the lockers. I hit my head and he walked away laughing with his crew. I sat there rubbing the spot that got hit when I saw a hand. I looked up to see my friend Eli.

" You okay" he asked lifting me off the floor.

" Yeah...No... maybe idk" i said.

He chuckled and picked up my stuff.

" Let's go to first period" he said and we started walking.

We got there and took our seats next to each other in the middle. He handed me my stuff and asked me a question.

" Are we still on to hang" he asked.

" I don't know mom needs help today at the diner after my shift at the shop" i said looking ahead at the teacher as he stood up.

" just let me know cause you know I'll come help also" Eli said chilling in his seat.

" Yeah I got you" i said.

" Hello class today we're handing back out test scores from tod- your late" he said to the incoming couple walking in.

" Yeah well we had things to do so" Arin said smirking and sitting down. I rolled my eyes as he said that.

" Yeah well some other things you need to do is this test because you failed it Mr.Ray" the teacher said slamming his test paper on his desk.

The teacher continued to hand out the papers and I looked at mine and saw an A+ . I smiled and looked up.

" The only person here with a perfect score is Y/n and Eli was close 1 question off so you can thank them two for you guys not having homework but you will be redoing the test in a few days so get to studying" he said sitting at his desk and going on his computer.

The class groaned while Eli and I sat there. I pulled out my phone to see a text from my boss.

From Shawn
Hey kid do you think you can come in a little earlier today?

To Shawn
I have school today but I'll see what I can do

I let out a sigh knowing this was going to be a long day.

Time Skip

It was lunch and I sit by myself because Eli goes home a little earlier than I do. I was drinking the juice when I felt something wet be poured over my head.

" That's what you get you freak" Arin laughed with his crew and I rolled my eyes.

I grabbed my bag and walked out of the cafe with everyone recording and laughing. I went straight to my car and got in it. I saw 3 most popular girls of the school besides Normani looking at me. I started my car and went home so I can change.

When I got there luckily my mom wasn't home so I was good. I went straight into the house and took a shower. I changed quickly to some jeans and a tank top with my work shoes. I ran out down the stairs and out the house to my job.

" Today is going to be one of those days" i said sighing.


What y'all think about this so far cause if y'all don't like it I'm stopping this book right here so

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