Chapter 6

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I sat next to Eli in math and we were doing our work when Normani and Arin walked in. He wore this proud smirk while she had No emotion kind of. There was a sub so most kids were doing nothing. The popular group started talking but they can't whisper so they talked ' Quietly'.

" So how was it" Brad asked Arin.

" Amazing no wonder she made me wait this long to get any shit I was addicted by the end" he said and I could physically see Normani Roll her eyes. I chuckled and continued to do my work. Until I felt my phone vibrate.

I pulled it out and looked to see I got a message from Normani. I raised my eyebrow at her then read it.

From Ms.Popular
Good morning

To Ms.Popular
Thought you said you got my number for if you needed help with math.

From Ms.Popular
Yeah and to text you when I'm bored I do what I want.. Anyways

To Ms.Popular
I'm gonna finish my work

I put my phone back into my pocket and continued to work on stuff. I finished and handed my paper to Eli so he can bring it up to the teacher.  Once he did we were just talking.

" So how was tutoring Queen B over there" He asked.

" Wasn't as bad as I thought it was gonna be.. She was kinda nice" i said.

" Yeah well don't fall for it I feel like she's just doing this to play you" he said.

" I said she was being nice not I'm thinking about marrying her" I said chuckling. I heard someone call me.

I looked towards the voice and saw it was Arin.

" Have you've ever gotten pussy before" he asked in front of the whole class.

" Well- Well I mean-"

Everyone laughed. " Well let me tell you it's great.. if you weren't such a loser I would've told Normani to give you some"

" I don't think you should say that about your girl. Your basically saying you would auction her off if you had a chance to" I said shrugging my shoulders. Normani just looked at me.

" I say what I want and for that you just cause yourself this" he said getting up and launching himself at me. He came across the desk and punched me. Someone grabbed him before he could swing again and separated us from each other.

" Not today dude we have a game coming up" Brad said.

I got this wave of confidence all of a sudden. " Yeah you definitely need to be in that weight room cause you hit like a bitch" i spat out.

The class erupted in oohs and a few laughs.

" Watch your back y/l/n" he said grabbing his back and walking out the door.

I felt the pain in my face because of the beating I got before he hit me. I groaned and put my head down.

" Y/n you okay" Eli asked.

" Yeah I'm good but I'm gonna go home I think" I said getting up. The sub looked at me and I grabbed my bag. I walked out the door and headed to my car. I heard feet behind me. Thinking it's just Eli I continued walking.

" Jeez you walk fast" I heard.

I looked to my right to see Normani.

" Uh what are you doing aren't you afraid to be talking to the Nerd in school" i said.

" Well their is no one around for starters and I wanted to make sure you were okay" she said grabbing my arm and yanking me into the nearest closet.

" Now why in the hell did y-"

" I have a question" she said.

" Okay what" I said.

" Say if you finally you know get some Cat right" she said.

"Mhm" i hummed wondering where this was going.

" Would you finish first and go to bed after or let her finish then you" she asked.

" Normani I-"

" Just answer the question" she said.

" The second one" i said.

" I know you might be a virgin but-"

" Normani I'm not talking about my sex life in a closet" i said.

" Okay then we'll talk back at your house come on. I'll answer any questions you have" she said walking out the closet.

I just looked at her like she was stupid.

" I help her one time and this is the outcome". I mumbled walking out the closet to my car.

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