chapter 18

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" we'll Normani y/n and i were just about to have dinner would you like to join us?" my mom asked.

" i wouldn't want to intrude" she said politely.

" you wouldn't be what so ever" my mom said with a smile.

" she might be b-"

" i would love to then" Normani said cutting me off.

the doorbell went off and this time i insisted on making sure i got it. it was the delivery guy for sure this time.

" how much is it" i asked him.

" 23.89" he said.

i went into my pocket and handed him 25.

" keep the change" i said before closing the door.

i walk back towards my mom and normani to see them in a conversation but they stopped talking as i walked up.

" foods here" i said walking to the table.

i sat it down and went back to grab the plates and cups. i placed it and took my seat across from normani and my mom was at the head of the table.

we passed the pizza out and got our drinks. we were in a conversation about school when normanis phone started ringing. she took it out and looked at it. i seen arins name come across her screen.

" if you'll excuse me for a second" normani said getting up and walking away.

" well isn't she a cute one" my mom whispered to me.

"mom" i whispered back.

" what im just saying she seems like a sweet girl and i like her"


" and she's your type"

" ma can we not have t-" i stopped myself from talking as normani walked back into the room.

" im sorry about that" she said sitting back into her seat.

" no worries but back to what i was asking you. what would you like to do after high school?" she asked her.

" well i would like to continue dancing like besides cheerleading wise and further my studies with law system" Normani said which took me by surprise because i didn't even know that.

" wow so what would you want to be" my mom asked.

" well i'm gonna try and be a dance teacher first because that has always been a dream of mine but if that does not work out i'm going for a lawyer" she said with

" it's good to see young people to still have passions" she said with a small smirk towards me.

i wanted to roll my eyes but i didn't. My mom let out a yawn and covered her mouth.

" well i'm going to let you kids have your fun i'm going to get some sleep" she said getting up.

"I'll take your stuff to the sink and what not" i told her.

" you sure"

" yeah ma go ahead" i said with a smile.

she got up and kissed the side of my head and went upstairs.

" i like your mom she reminds me of you" she said.

" is that a good thing or bad thing" i chuckled getting up and cleaning.

" good because i like to be around you" she said.

she helped me throw everything out and stuff and we went to my room. i closed and locked the door. i turned around to her chilling at the window looking at the moon. i walked over to her and wrapped my arms around her.

" the moon looks beautiful" she said gazing at it.

" but you look better" i said.

she smiled and turned in my arms.

i looked out the window because i thought i saw a figure standing somewhere. it kinda too dark to tell so i ignored it. I looked back at normani and she had a look of concern.

" i thought i saw something but it was nothing" i said pecking her lips.

she smiled then brought me into another kiss.

thank @thatfunnydino and @1starx for the ideas for this chapter

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