chapter 19

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"Mani what's wrong with your car now" i said as the chocolate beauty stood in front of me.

" i don't know it keeps giving out on me and i'm tired of it so can you please check it out" she asked.

" yeah let's have a look. drive it over to me" i told her.

she obeyed and did what i asked of her. she popped the hood and i started looking at everything to figure out what was going on.

" no wonder" i mumbled walking over to the window.

" hey gorgeous um your alternator needs replacing" i told her.

" can you fix it today?" she questioned me.

" no because we're about to close soon but i'll do it first thing tomorrow" i told her wiping my hands on a rag.

" okay thank you" she sighed.

" you know i gotchu. just leave the car here overnight" i told her.

she turned the car off and got out. she locked the door and handed me the key i put it in my pocket and gave her a small smile.

" you look good today" i told her.

" why thank you" she said with a small blush on her face.

" you need a ride back to your place" i questioned her.

" no having a girls night so i told them to pick me up from here" she said with a smile.

" alright beautiful text me" i said with a wink as i turned around and headed to the back.

i took off this button up and threw it into the locker and grabbed all my stuff. i went outside to my car to see normani getting picked up. i started my car up and headed to the house to shower.

i pulled into the driveway and parked behind my mom.

i ran into the house and showered really quick. i grabbed ( your fav fruit) and walked to my mom who was sitting on the couch and kissed her head.

" i'm going to the restaurant i'll be back later tonight" i mumbled.

" okay be safe" she said as i walked out the door.

time skip

" decided to finally show up to work" Nia said rolling her eyes.

" don't roll your eyes at me" i smacked her in the back of the head. she gave me a deadly glare and i chuckled.

" but yep the queens back ( what's happening rerun bout to make these bitches rap again)

" you need to stop leaving us" Malik said.

" i'm sorry it's hard with school and the auto shop and stuff" i said.

" is that stuff ms.queenB"

" i don't know what you are talking about" i said playing stupid.

" last time we checked you were tutoring her. how'd that go" he asked.

" it went fine she passed and i lived to see another day" i particularly left out the part of the sex we have.

" i feel like theirs more to what you aren't telling us" nia smirked.

" i told you guys we are acquaintances" i said as we heard the door try and open.

i looked back to see normani herself.

" well look who it is" malik said chuckling.

i cursed myself and walked over to the door and unlocked it. i opened it for her and she walked in. i closed it back and locked it.

" i thought you had a girls night" i questioned her quietly.

" i do but because we were at your other job i couldn't do something bu-" i heard a cough. i looked at the two idiots smirking at me,

i sighed and walked towards them.

"Normani this is Nia and Malik, Malik and Nia this is Normani" i said.

" hi how are you" normani asked shaking their hand.

" we're good" nia said lowkey eyeing me.

" that's good"

"we'll leave you guys some space" she said snatching malik and walking to the back.

once they were outta sight normani grabbed my by my face and smashed our lips together. i immediately started to kiss back but then remembered them two are probably watching us from somewhere so i pulled away.

" i missed you" she said to me.

" you seen me earlier" i said.

" okay and... but i also miss you rearranging my guts" she said with a smirk.

" don't start i have work" i told her as she tried to rub me through my pants.

" but remember what i told you. i get what i want and if y/n jr is what i want that's wh-" she was cut off by her phone ringing.

she looked at it and it said the girls.

" it looks like they're outside" she said putting her phone back into her pocket.

" that means you need to go" i said pecking her lips really quickly.

" yes it does i'll text you" she said going to the door and unlocking it. she walked out swaying her hips a bit.

i heard feet behind me when i turned around i was met with i told you so faces.

"we seen all of that, so now you want to tell us what really goes on between you guys" Nia said.


you guys want smut or something in one of these books. i haven't did it in a while so i might be rusty.


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