Chapter 12

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( Ight fuckers SMUT warning)

She pushed me on to the bed and attacked my neck. She immediately found my sweet spot and my eyes rolled back. She bit down on the spot then soothed it with her tongue. She continued doing that all over my neck. She pulled back and smiled. I remembered everything she told me and 'Taught' ' me and decided to put it in action. I grabbed her by the neck and applied the right amount of pressure. I took my free hand and dragged my finger up and down her clothed clit. She let out a little moan.

" Does that feel good" I asked.

" Yes.. but I need more" she said as she let out a breath.

" alright get off of me then babygirl" i said squeezing her neck a bit then letting go.

Her eyes widened and she stayed there for a second with her eyes closed then quickly got off of me. She stood up and so did I.

" Wait I want to do something first" she said quickly taking my underwear off and dropping to her knees giving me no time to react as she took me into her mouth.

My eyes rolled back and I looked down at her. I watched my shaft disappear slowly. I felt my tip hit the back of her throat and I let out a moan. She looked up and batted her eyelashes at me. I felt her moan against me and it sent out a vibration on my tip. I bit my lip. She started moving her head back and forth slowly jerking off what wasn't in her mouth. My mouth hung agape while she did all this. I felt like I was in heaven the way she was sucking me. She sped up her movements and started sucking the soul out of me.

" Normani If you keep doing that I'm gonna cum" i said warning her. She pulled back to catch her breath but her hand movements never ceasing.

" Mmh Normani.." I moaned again and she deep throated me. That's all it took for me to shoot my seed down her throat. Her movements slowed to help me come down from my high and then she stopped. She slowly took me out her mouth still holding me but showed me all my future kids then swallowed them. I shuttered. She kissed my tip.

She stood up and I grabbed her by her neck and pulled her into a kiss. My hands found the clips to her bra in the back and I unclipped it with a bit of a struggle. She pulled away from the kiss and laughed then took the bra off.

" I want you to do something for me that Arin can't do for his life" she said looking at the bed. I sat down.

" Lay back but not too close to the headboard but not to far ether" she said.

I did what she said and she bit her lip. She slowly took her panties off as I watched. My soft slowly started to get hard. I think she saw cause she let out a small chuckle and walked towards me. She straddled my stomach and I felt her wetness. I bit my lip and she leaned so we were face to face and ghosted them.

" Your gonna eat me out and love every second of it... cause I know I will" she mumbled the last part but I still heard it.

She got up and slowly positioned herself over my mouth. I wrapped my arms around her thighs and gripped them. She bit her lip as I slowly pulled her down to my mouth.

" You got this" i mumbled to myself.

I stuck my tongue out and dragged it from her slit to her clit and she squirmed. I took a more firm lick and she let out a moan. At this point I craved her taste. I pulled to where she was fully sitting on my face and stuck my tongue inside of her. Her hands went straight to my hair as she started moving slowly. She let out another moan as I explored her. I pulled my tongue out of her and started showing her clit some love. I flicked my tongue over her clit and I felt her body jolt and she tried to stand up a bit. I locked my arms around her thighs fully and pinned her on top of me. She wanted this so I'm gonna give my all to her.

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