Chapter 4

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" Uh hey um are you okay" she asked.

" Why does it matter you're little crew just beat me up earlier you should be happy. The queen of the school takes out the nerd" i said dramatically.

She sighed. " Listen can you please just help me with this test.... My parents are expecting me to pass this class no grade lower than an A and your the smartest person in the class. You haven't failed a test yet" She said looking at me.

" Fine whatever I help you and you just leave me alone for good... I deal with you and your group enough in school" i said.

" Thanks so when do we start?" She asked.

" Now so hurry up and go get your stuff. The faster I help you and we can act like this conversation never happened" i said closing the door.

I limped to the bathroom down here and looked for some ointment. I found some and I took my shirt off. The bruises around my stomach area is really bad. I started to run the ointment on myself as I heard a knock on the door. She can wait. I continued to rub it on me and put my shirt back on. I put a little on the bruise around my eye. I Heard another knock and the door open. I walked out of the bathroom and headed to the front door.

" Let's go Hamilton" i said walking up the stairs to my room. I heard the door close and feet behind me. I walked into my room and motioned her to come in. She walked in and stood there.

" You gonna sit on the bed or.." I asked her.

She sat down and opened up her notebook and homework for today. I walked over to my bag and grabbed my math notebook and a pencil. I grabbed my rolling chair and sat in it and rolled near her so I'm not to close to her.

" Okay so the easy way to learn what Mrs.Reed taught is-"

" Uh do you think you can come closer so I can see your work and stuff" she asked.

I nodded and we were basically next to each other.

" So this is how you do that problem. You write down..."

Time Skip

After 2 hours of working on notes and the homework she's getting it a little bit.

" Oooh the way you explained this makes it a little easier to understand but it feels like my brain is having a melt down" she groaned throwing herself back.

I chuckled. " we're gonna have to have another day tomorrow because I have practice soon so I need to get going... Uhh is 7:45 okay with you" she asked.

" Cant I have work tomorrow and I don't get home till around midnight" i said getting up and putting everything away.

" Okay then I'll come to you during your break at the shop and you can help me then" she said with a smile walking out my room door.

" I never agreed to t-"

" Bye y/n" she said as I heard the front door open and close.

" Well okay I guess" I said pulling out my laptop to
Finish some assignments for English that's due soon.

I didn't realize how late it got so I shut my laptop and put it in my bag. I got up and started to change. I heard arguing outside and I peeped through my blinds to see Arins car outside of Normani's house.

" Trouble in paradise" i mumbled grabbing some shorts.

I put them on and took my shirt off. I put my clothes in the dirty clothes and got in bed. Now I have to deal with the queen of the school twice tomorrow. Why does she want me to tutor her instead of just making me do everything for her like everyone else. It doesn't make sense to me but it's whatever maybe if I help her she'll get her ugly ass boyfriend to leave me alone. I closed my eyes and laid my head on my pillow and let sleep take over.

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