Chapter 17

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" you can sit on the bleachers I'll be down on the field" Normani said as we pulled up to the school.

" Are you sure about this because I don't want to cause any problems for you" i said turning the car off.

" Problems for me? What do you mean" she said confused.

" Normani you forget I'm the outcast of this school" I sighed.

" No I didn't but why do you think you'll cause me any problems"

" The Head cheerleader wants the Nerd of the school to watch her practice.. what do you think the football jocks will do and your little cheer friends are gonna say" I said.

" Then sit somewhere out of sight and text me so I know where you are" she said staring at me.

I sighed and nodded. She cupped my face and brought it to hers.

" Since I won't be able to do this for a while" she said smashing our lips together. They moved in sync and it was slow and passionate. She started smiling after a minute which made us split apart. I groaned.

" Stop smiling and give me more kisses" i complained like a child.

She laughed and pecked my lips a few times and we got out the car. I had a little bit of work to do so I decided to sit at the high part of the bleacher. I'm far from everyone and the only way you can see me fully is if you walk to the fence separating the field and the bleacher.

I was in the mist of doing my English work when I decided to look up for a bit. Normani got thrown in the air. She did these flips and came back it down. I was surprised. Normani told me she was good but she didn't say she was this good.

I watched the rest of there practice instead of doing my work. She texted me and told me she would meet me at her house because her friends wanted to go get something to eat. I headed straight home and saw a car in the drive way that wasn't mine.

" Why didn't she tell me she was coming home" i mumbled. I parked my car and got out of it. I walked in and saw her sitting at the table.

" hey mom" I said with a smile hugging her from behind.

" Hey my child.. how was your few days of no mom" she chuckled.

" Crazy i thew so many parties, did coke, and became a crack addict" i joked.

We looked at each other and laughed.

" But in all seriousness it was fine. I've been busy with work and school so" I said.

" Like always... When you gonna get you a girlfriend" she said.

" When I find the right one ma" i said

" sound just like your father. Before we dated we were friends and when I asked him that, he would say the same thing" she said shaking her head.

"Well it's true.. I don't waste my time on anyone you know" I joked.

" only my kids... well I bought ( Whatever type of food) for dinner so y-" she was cut off by the door bell ringing.

"That would be the food" she asked getting up out of my hold.

" oh ma I got it" i said going to go past her but she stopped me.

" I got it don't worry about it" she said.

She walked over to the door and opened it to show normani.

" How much is- oh hello Normani.. Did your mother or father send you to get something" my mom asked confused.

" No I'm actually here for your daughter she invited me over"she said with a smile.

" She made more friends than Eli... Come income in" she said moving out the way.

Normani walked in with a smile on her face. She walked over and gave me a short hug and stood next to me while my mom sat back down.

" I didn't know you had more friends y/n" my mom said smiling.

" Yeah we got paired up for a project and learned a lot about each other. It's cool. Sorry I didn't tell you" I lied.

" No no worries I'm just happy you expanded your friend group a tad" she said

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