Chapter 3

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I woke up to my alarm. I turned it off.

" Another day Another horrible day" i said getting up and walking into my bathroom. I did my business and got dressed. I didn't feel like opening my blinds today.

 I didn't feel like opening my blinds today

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I grabbed my key and went downstairs. I saw a note on the counter. I picked it up and read it.

Have doctor appointments today so I'll be back Next week diner is closed for today and Shawn said he's giving you the day off today. Take care of yourself I love you.

I smiled at the note and put it down. I made sure I had everything and went out the door. I pulled up to the school and got out of the car. I walked inside with my stuff in my hands heading to math first again. I was pulled into this locker room. I was calm until I looked around. I was surrounded by all the Jocks and cheerleaders including Normani.

" Uhh Hey guys.." I said slowly.

" Get her" Arin said smirking.

I got hit in the back of the head and I fell to the ground. I tried to cover myself as the kicks and punches came from everywhere. All I felt was pain before I blacked out.

I groaned and opened my eyes. I was in a room. I looked around and noticed I was in the nurses office. Eli and Ms.Mitchell came through the door.

" Y/n your up how are you feel" he asked.

" It hurts but I'll be okay" i said.

" Okay so nothing is broken from as far as we can tell just a lot of bruising" she said with a sad smile.

" I'm good Shay don't worry" I said hissing in pain as I sat up.

" You say this everytime you end up here y/n" she said.

" If I didn't wo-worry you who would" I said standing up with the help of Eli.

" True but I would like to have a some time where your not showing up like this.. People disgust me now and days" shes sighed.

" You and I both but don't worry I'm good" I said with a smile.

" Well we have English now so I think we should get going" he said getting my bag and helping me out the room.

We eventually made it to English and the teacher didn't say anything to us after seeing my face. We sat in our seats and Ms.Normani and her crew are sitting in front of us. She looked at me and had a face of regret but it was soon covered with a look of hatred. I didn't care at the moment on how she looked at me. The teacher continued her rant on our work.

We were working on our assignment and a piece of paper hit me. I furrowed my eyes and looked around to see everyone doing their work. I opened the ball of paper and it had a note written.

Hey listen I'm really sorry for everything went in that locker room it wasn't suppose to be like that and they went way harder than I expected.
Mr. Reed assigned you to be my tutor for the math test coming up to make sure I'm the all good... so where to meet up at?


I chuckled bitterly at it and crumbled it. She just watched me get beat up and she wants me to tutor her.... she got me fucked up. I continued the rest of the class doing my work upset that she even just said sorry just to get tutoring. I finished my assignment early and she left me leave early. I walked out the classroom and into the hallway. I left school and went home.

I got home and went upstairs in a lot of pain. I laid on my bed and let the pain make me pass out. After a few minutes everything went black.

I woke up to knocking on the door. I groaned and slowly got up. I went down the steps slowly and got to the door. I opened it to reveal the last person it was.

" Normani" i said confused.

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