chapter 20

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" didnt i tell you i get what i want" she said as i pulled out of her.

" yeah yeah" i said grabbing towel she left out and wiping myself off.

" you have to go back to work" i said searching for my clothes.

" you want to get food after" she asked me.

" yeah i'm down where at?" i asked.

" i was thinking maybe fast food and then we can chill out somewhere" she said as i was putting my clothes back on.

" yeah we can chill before i work at the diner later" i said grabbing everything.

" okay have fun at work sexy" she said as i walked over to her and gave her a kiss.

" i will you want me to open the window and you know air out your room" i chuckled in the middle of the kiss.

"mmhmm" she hummed out.

i pulled away and she whined.

" gotta go make money" i said

" why when you have me" she said with a smirk.

" nice one now i'm going to work" i said pecking her lips and grabbing my keys.

time skip

i was finishing an oil change on a car when i heard the bell. i looked up to see Mr.Hamilton and his family get out the car.

" steve i got this one" i said wiping my hands.

he nodded and we switched spots.

" derrick what can i do for you" i said with a smile.

" the car keeps overheating" he grumbled.

" no worries let me check out what's wrong with it" i said with a smile.

" hello Mrs.Hamilton" i said with a smile.

" y/n dear how are you" she said.

" i'm alright just taking it day by day how about you" i asked getting the hood up.

" i'm good" she said.

it was a bit smokey so i fanned it the smoke out my face and felt around.

" hmmm might be the radiator" i mumbled going to grab the pump.

i hooked the pump up and pumped it till the pressure got to about 16 and waited to see if it was leak somewhere.

the valve never moved.

" hmm" i said thinking as what it could be.

i turned the car on and turned on the AC.

i walked back to the front and looked in the car and saw the problem.

i walked over to the hamiltons and derrick sighed.

" could you find out what it was" he asked.

" okay so the problem with your car is that your cooling fan isn't working which means there isn't enough cool air to be sucked through the radiator which is what's causing it to overheat" i explained to them wiping my hands.

" can that be fixed today" he asked.

" no it can't but i can have it fixed in the next few days once we order the parts and stuff" i said with a smile.

he sighed.

" don't stress it dear, we can have normani pick us up" andrea said.

" your right hun we're all going to the same place. What would we do without you y/n"

" i have no idea derrick" i said giving him a head nod and walking away to amanda.

" hey mands add new cooling fans to that order" i said to her.

" why don't they buy a new car" she asked typing away.

" don't ask me" i chuckled looking at them.

shawn parked there car in the garage and walked over to give amanda the key.

" why don't they just buy a new car they have the money to" my boss said.

" i was just saying that" amanda chuckled.

after a few minutes i saw normanis car pull up and she got out the car and let me tell you she looked good. Black suits her very nicely. i watched the passenger door open and i watched this jay z nose having ass nigga get out the car and i furrowed my eyebrows. He had this smirk on his face.

" who the hell is that" i mumbled as i seen derrick waving me over.

i fixed my face and walked over to them.

" thank you again y/n" derrick said handing me $500.

" it's no problem just doing my job" i said with a smile.

" uh y/n something wrong with my engine i think can you check it for me.. my car wasn't trying to start when i was trying to leave earlier today" normani said.

" yeah i'll check it" i said walking to the hood of the car.

" pop the hood" i said.

she walked over to the drivers side and pulled the switch.

" she rememberers nice" i mumbled.

i heard the pop and i'd opened it up then pulled out the stand.

i was checking the engine and nothing seemed wrong.

" i know this looks bad but i can explain" she said quietly.

" explain what why this ugly mf is in your car... normani i'm not doing this with you today" i said closing the hood and turning around.

" everything is good to go" i said with a fake smile.

" thank you y/n" derrick said patting my shoulder. He and andrea walked away.

" yeah thanks y/n... here buy yourself something nice" said flipping a coin at me.

" who the fu-mmmm" i said closing my eyes and taking a breath.

" i want an explanation by the end of the night" i said walking passed her throwing this ugly ass dog niggas quater on the ground.

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