Chapter 16

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I walked into history and sat down in my seat. The other teacher is out sick so we're combining classes. I was sitting there looking at my notes when I felt someone sit next to me. I look to my right and see Normani. I roll my eyes and look back at my notebook.

After a few minutes of the teacher explaining to us how today was gonna work we started doing the assignment. I felt Normani get closer to me and I leaned away a bit.

" Y/n I'm sorry" she whispered quietly because she didn't want anyone to notice we were talking.

" Sure you are" i said writing down another answer on my paper.

" I am I... this isn't an excuse but I've just been going through a few things and for some reason out of all people I pushed you away" she whispered again.

" Welp keep pushing me" i mumbled.

" You don't mean that" she said staring at me.

" Maybe I do maybe I don't" I said getting up to go to the bathroom so I can get away from her.

I asked the teacher and he let me go. I walked out the classroom and headed to the bathroom. No ones in here during this and if they are their doing the nasty so. I went to the sink and splashed my face with some water a bit. I grabbed a paper towel and dried it but when I opened my eyes Normani was leaning on the door. I jumped back because she scared the shit out of me.

" What the fuck" i slightly yelled.

" Shhh" she said walking up to me and pulling me into a kiss giving me no time to react.

I resisted it the best I could but like I said before her lips are like a drug that I'm addicted to so it didn't work. I started to kiss back. After a few minutes of our make out session we finally pulled away. She unwrapped her arms from around me and went to walk away but I grabbed her.

" The next time you're going through something don't push me away like that again" i said seriously.

She nodded and leaned up and pecked my lips. She turned around and I smacked her ass. She let out a small moan.

I ignored what that did to me and left the bathroom heading back to history. I sat in the chair trying to focus on doing my work but when the black beauty walked back in My mine was drifting to other things.

Time Skip

" It won't happen again" she sobbed out as she came. I came with her and slowed my thrust down for the first time this afternoon.

" Don't do that shit again Normani" I said pushing into her the farthest I could.

" It- ah I'm to sensitive y/n..." she said running a bit.

" I don't remember telling you to move" I said gripping her hip and slowly moving.

" I know but Papi I'm too sensitive" she moaned out.

I gave her the Benefit of the doubt and pulled out.

Her alarm started going off and she groaned.

" I don't want to go to practice" she complained.

" Your going" i said not even going to listen to her rant.

" I know but it still feels good to say it" she chuckled and so did I.

" do you need help getting u-"

" will you watch me practice today.. I mean you don't have to but I was just wondering because you don't come to the games and I see what you do all the time so I want you to see what I do" she said.

" I would love to see you in action of doing something you love my little captain" i said kissing her head

" then let's shower" she said getting up and walking into the bathroom.

" are we really showering or do we got time for something else" i said with a smirk as I walked in a few seconds after her.

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