Chapter 10

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It's been a hell of a week. Normani has started talking to me in school which is causing Arin to get mad and beat me up when she's not near. Work has been running smoothly and mom is feeling better.

I'm currently changing my shirt when I felt someone jump on my back.

" Heyyy" I heard her voice and continued what I was doing.

" Hey Normani" I said grabbing my T-shirt.

She got off my back and plopped on my bed.

" You don't seem too happy to see me" she frowned.

" I just seen ya ass before the end of my shift at the diner" i said looking at her.

" Okay and I'm here again now so show me attention" she groaned.

" Needy much" i said putting my shirt on.

" With you... Yep" she said and I chuckled.

I walked over to the bed and laid down and she cuddled into side. I turned the Tv on and we started watching a movie as I ran my fingers through her hair.

" Y/n" she said.

I hummed in response.

" Do you ever feel like you wish you made different decisions in life to get a different out come then the one you have now" she asked.

" Sometimes but it's life we live and learn from our choices" i said.

" True" she mumbled. " I might fall asleep" she said then yawned.

" Go ahead I'll be in the same spot" I told her.

She snuggled into me even more and I felt her relax in my hold. After a few minutes I heard her breathing even out. I was watching Tv when her phone went off multiple times. I ignored it and it stopped eventually. She shifted so she was basically on top of me and I sighed.

" This girls love language is goddamn touch" I mumbled.

I gently put my hand on her side and continued to watch Tv. Her phone started ringing. I looked at it and it said Arin. I ignored it and let it ring cause she was sleep and didn't need to deal with some fuckboy shit. He started to blow up her phone and she started to wake up. I started running my fingers through her hair to keep her sleep. She stopped moving and just laid there. I let out a breath.

After an hour she finally woke up. She sat up and just sat there looking at me. I removed my eyes from the Tv and looked at her.

" What" i said.

" Nothing... I need to go fix something I'll be back" she said getting of me and going into the bathroom. I looked back at the At the Tv and continued to watch my show. After a few minutes she came back out. She went over by her phone.

" Y/n i want to teach you something " she said putting it down and looking at me.

I looked at her and raised my eyebrow.

" Like" i said.

" Do you trust me" she asked.

" Yeah why wouldn't I" I said sitting up.

" Take your pants off" she said.

" Uh what now" i said looking at her confused.

" You trust me right just take them off" she said.

I shrugged my shoulders and just did it. I stood their in my boxers and a sports bra looking at her. Her eyes tracked down my stomach and down to my print that was there.

" Okay now hold on" she said taking the pants she had on off.

" Normani what a-"

" Shhh calm down" she said as she walked over to where I was. " Your about to learn something about sex so you don't end up like Arin" she said going to the bed and getting on it. She was on all fours and looked back at me.

" come here" she said.

I took a deep breath and walked over to her.

" Like this I- the person you fucking with will usually be arched. I'm gonna do it to show you but I also want you grip my hips how you think they should be gripped" she said going down. I immediately forgot what I was suppose to do as to seeing everything of hers is in plain sight.

I heard someone clear their throat. I look over a bit to see Normani smirking at me.

" I know you like what you see but come on" she said.

I shook my head and gripped her hips. She hummed and started to look at the mirror that was in front of us.

" Now your going to pull me into you while your hips are coming towards me if that make since" she said. I raised my eyebrow and just went along with it.

I did what she said a few times and she dropped her head in the sheets. I decided to speed up a bit cause I felt like I was doing it right and she let out a very audible noise. I stopped and there was a very small space between mine and her stuff. She pushed herself  back a bit so there was no space.

"okay we're gonna try something else" she said getting up out of my grip and turning around.

" What did I get myself into" i mumbled.

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