Chapter 11

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Ever since the day with the whole teaching thing Normani has been very touchy. I'm not complaining tho.

I was walking through the halls when one of the Popular girls Normani's friends with stopped me.

" Hey y/n" she said.

" Uh hey" i said kinda confused.

" So I was wondering if you wanted to grab so food or something sometime" she said smiling at me.

" You want to grab food with me? Are you feeling okay" i said.

" Yes silly here's my number call me sometime" she said handing me a piece of paper and walking away.

" What the hell" I said putting the paper in my pocket and walked into English. I walked past the Popular kids and one of them tripped me which made me drop my stuff.

" Thankfully I didn't bring a lot" I mumbled picking up some of my notebooks and stuff.

I noticed Normani wasn't here today but Arin was. The teacher gave us an assignment and I started working on it. Eli was out of town for the week so he wasn't here with me.

" Dude where's your girl" Brad asked.

" At home resting after her events of last night" he said.

" Oooh you got some more pussy" James said dapping him up.

" Yessir she was freaky as hell took control of everything when I got tired" Arin said.

" Damn you must of hit it good if she's home cause of that" they hyped him up.

I rolled my eyes and pulled out my phone to text her.

To Ms.Popular
Hey your not in school you okay.

I went to put my phone down but immediately got a response.

From Ms.Popular
Yeah I'm fine I just didn't feel like coming today especially to hear Arin talk about 'How good he hit it' yesterday.

To Ms.Popular
Was it good?

From Ms.Popular
Far from it I tried everything and it's just wasn't good at all. I didn't even finish like jeez dude.

I decided to be bold for once in my life to see the outcome of it.

To Ms.Popular
Wouldn't be like that if you were with me

I didn't get a response back and I continued to do my work. The bell rung and I quickly got my stuff and walked out of the class and went straight for the main doors. I decided to text the number that girl gave me to see if it was a real one and it was. We started texting a bit I was surprised she was giving me the time of day. I drove back to my house and got out the car. I walked into my house and went to my room. I opened the door and froze.

I sees normani in a black lace set and all I can do is stare.

" Hey Y/n" she said.

I didn't answer back my body was just stuck but my eyes weren't. They were going over every curve I could see. I didn't even realize she was in front of me.

" Eyes up here" she said gently touching my face.

I couldn't really do anything it's like I was stuck in some kind of trance or something. My eyes traveled to her lips and back to her eyes.

" You want to kiss me don't you" she said getting closer to my face.

" No" i said breathily.

" Trying to convince yourself or me" she asked with a smirk.

" Both" i said letting out a breath.

"Just do it Y/n you and I both know you want to and maybe I want it just as bad as you do" she said.

Y/n don't do this to yourself you know what could happen.

So what you fall for her it's Normani who wouldn't

She can hurt you

Just do it Jeez

After having a mini argument in my head I gained the confidence to do it. I quickly put my hand on the side of her face and smashed our lips together. They molded together as one and it felt good. I felt her tongue swipe my bottom lip but I didn't give her entrance. I felt her hand travel to my pants. She quickly put her hand in my pants having easy access because I had sweats on. She gripped me and I let out a throaty moan and she shoved her tongue in my mouth. We fought over dominance and I won. We pulled away when air was needed. I was trying to catch my breath as she gave me this look catching hers.

" For that to be your first kiss that was..."

" Was it bad.. Jeez I can't even do that right and I practiced th-"

She smashed our lips together again to shut me up. She bit my lip as we pulled away.

" It's was really good... Might be my new addiction even" she said biting her lip.

" So it was good" i said only caring about that it was good.

" Yes y/n... But I'm gonna need more than a kiss. You had a lot to say in text talking about I would finish if I was yours right... Well I'm yours at this very moment so put your money where ya mouth is" she said smirking.

" You want us to.."

" Yep have sex right here right now"

Y'all we're getting on me so they're finally having actually sex... Y'all want the actual smut next chapter or no because if not it'll start after it.

Your welcome

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