Chapter 21

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Normani didn't come to explain herself last night which i've been aggravated about because who was the ugly mf who thought giving me a quarter was funny.

I had to go into school today so i had on a nike sweatsuit and some forces. Yeah Normani helped me get my fashion game up a bit.

i walked into the building and went to my locker. i grabbed what i needed and closed the locker. i turned to go walk into english when i seen the ugly mf from yesterday walking down the hall. i made a face as heads were turned and i was snatched into a room.

" what the- Normani when are you going to be done dragging me into closets and shit" i said snatching my arm away from hers.

" im sorry about yesterday by the time i got home it was really late and i was exhausted. the guy from yesterday is rameer"

" ra what" i said chuckling.

she chuckled " the reason he was with me is because my parents are making me hang with him. his family's close to mine and rich. they know arin and i aren't together anymore so they want me to get with him" she said.

" they like me so why don't you just say we have something going on" i said.

" they aren't that accepting like that" she said.

" ohh" i said catching on to her drift.

" so he's gonna be your new boo" i said taking in the info.

" y/n i never s-"

" but you know it's gonna happen so what the point of denying it" i said.

she sighed and i chuckled.

" it's probably better this way have fun normani" i said walking out the empty classroom before she has the chance to protest it.

i walked into my first class late and the teacher let it slide thankfully.

throughout the day normani would stare at me if she saw me in the hallway and stuff but ignored it.

when it was time for math i walked in to see ronald sitting in my seat.

" ronaldo your sitting in my seat" i said looking from him.

" it didn't say your name on it plus normani said i could sit here" he said.

" don't remember asking now get up" i said getting impatient.

" and if i don't" he said trying me.

i was about to grab his ass when a voice spoke up

" mr.colon i don't think we need to call your mother and tell her your acting like 6 year old so get up" mr.reed said.

i chuckled then he got up and moved out the way. i sat in my seat.

" normani so your with him now" arin said.

" no im not.. im trying with someone else" i heard her say.

" well we need to have a little talk about that other person" he said.

i looked up and he was staring into my soul.

does he know... there is no way he knows. but what if he does..

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