Chapter 7

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" okay so Now you'll answer my questions" she said plopping on my bed.

" First off don't assume I'm a virgin just because I stuttered doesn't mean I am one" I said sitting my stuff down.

" So your not" she said.

" No I am but I just wanted to make a point" I chuckled plopping my chair.

" okay question number one how do you tell a guy without hurting his ego that it was bad" she asked.

" I don't know No ones ever told me anything because I still have my V card remember but I would say just try and guided him without saying it" i said shrugging.

" alright ask a question" she said.

" What would be the best position for someone who likes it nasty" I asked her.

" I mean I'm nasty girl and I would say from the back" she said.

I nodded my head making a mental note.

" But holding eye contact could also drive a girl crazy and make sure if you ever do hit it from the back on someone don't be too gentle that's a position you give it to them hopefully you'll understand that when it happens cause Arin not so much" she said and I laughed.

" Question" I said looking at her.

" Guys with little dicks-"

" Cant answer that I'm not a guy and I also don't have a lil one" I said.

" Well I mean Arins isn't little kind of it's like 6inch-"

I chuckled. " like I said I'm not little" I leaned back into my chair.

She had this look in her eye and it went away.

" how do you know us girls would consider you small" she said with a smirk.

She's right I've never been with a girl just because I'm big to me doesn't mean anything.

" I-I Uh-"

" I'm just teasing you" she chuckled. " But anywho your not that bad looking why haven't you shot ya shot at anyone"

" Well because of your boyfriend I'm labeled as a freak and no one gives me the time of day because of it" I explained.

" Yeah... I'm sorry about him he's a complete asshole" she said.

" And the king of the school with the queen on his arm.. why do you date him anyway" I asked crossing my arms.

" He's the only guy at the time that didn't look at me for my body.. until now.. I guess I just settled for less and just forgot my worth" she said.

" And you take your frustration out on the people who don't have to go through the whole popular thing" i said reading her like a open book.

" Yeah.. I know it's bad but it's like.. I would kill to have someone who wants to get to know me and not My body for a quick fuck you know" she said.

I just nodded my head.

" Everyone would kill to be you for the day.Head cheerleader, boyfriend is the QB, Money and power.. you've got everything anyone in this town could ask for" i said to her.

" Yeah well I would kill to have real friends that's don't use me for popularity and boyfriend. I think he cheated on me twice but I'm still with him" she said.

" You got it bad" I said shaking my head. I thought about a idea and felt like I was going to regret it in the future. " How about this.. I show you what it's like to have a real friend outside of school so you can keep your reputation, if you give me pointers with the ladies" i said crossing my arms.

She was in thought before she smiled. " You have a deal.. So friend what are we doing today" she asked.

" I'm gonna make food and we're gonna get to know each other as 2 random people and not the Cheerleader and the Outcast of the school.. So let's go" I said getting up and walking down the steps.

" Ooh can you make a grilled cheese that sounds so good right now" she asked as we walked into the kitchen.

" Sure you just go sit on the couch" i said grabbing everything I needed.

She walked away and I started cooking.

I put our sandwiches on a plate along with our fries and walked into the living room Normani was watching spongebob.

" here now let's get to talking" I said handing her the plate and sitting down.

" Okay um we should start fresh" she said.

" Yeah clean slate starting now" i said.

" Hi I'm Normani Kordei Hamilton" she said with a smile.

" I'm Y/n Y/m/n Y/l/n" i said with a small one back.

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