Chapter 9

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I woke up a little earlier than usual I decided not to wake Normani for school because she's gonna have a mean hangover. I cooked us some breakfast. I ate and finished mine before she could wake up. I decided to take a shower. I finished that she still wasn't up. I didn't feel like putting a shirt on today so I was chilling watching Tv when I heard a groan.

" Finally" i mumbled getting up.

I turned around to see Normani holding her head.

" Moring" I said as quietly as I could.

" What happened last night" she asked looking at me.

" I saved you from Arin getting his way with you while you were out of this world that's what happened" i said walking into the kitchen to get her food.

I put it in the microwave to warm it up. I heard her feet slowly shuffle into the kitchen. I turned around and there she was looked like she was falling asleep standing up.

" Normani come here" i said.

Her eyes fluttered open and she slowly came to me. I opened my arms. A small smile rested on her face as she put her head on my chest. She sat there for a while but I realized I can't do what I need to with her like this.

" I'm gonna have to carry you around so I can at least be able to do things" I told her.

She wrapped her arms around my neck and I lifted her by her thighs. She wrapped her legs around my stomach. I started to clean the mess I made from this morning. I grabbed her food and sat it on the table.

" You wanna eat now" I felt her shake her head no.

" Well okay" I said walking up the steps.

I walked into my room and started cleaning my clothes off the floor while holding normani so she didn't fall. She smelled like alcohol so I walked into my bathroom and ran bath water. I walked out grabbing sweats and a shirt for her.

" Your getting in that bath you smell horrible" i said.

" Fuck you" she mumbled with a chuckle and I laughed.

After a few minutes I brought everything she needed into the bathroom and made her get off of me. I walked out the bathroom to give her privacy. After a few minutes I wanted to check on her. I knocked On the closed door and heard a muffled come in. I peaked my head in to see her relaxed in the tub.

" Just making sure your alive" I said.

" yeah I'm okay thank you for everything" she said turning her head to me.

" No prob" I said going to walk away.

" Wait y/n... why don't you keep me company" she said.

" Are you sure because-"

" I'm positive" she said smiling.

" Uh okay" i said walking in and sitting on the counter of my sink looking at her. " Soo"

" What made you come to get me yesterday" she asked.

" I had a bad feeling" I said.

" hmm well I'm glad you did but you just put yourself in a lot of trouble with Arin.. Will you be able to handle that" I asked.

" Maybe... But I don't care I wasn't gonna let him take advantage of you" i said.

" Well I'm glad I have someone like you in my life that cares" she said getting up. I didn't react fast enough because I just seen all of her.

I quickly shut and covered my eyes.

" Uh I'm gonna- gonna give you privacy...yeah privacy" i said losing my mind because I just seen her naked.

" calm down we basically have the same thing besides you having a dick" she said.

I felt a hand go to my wrist.

" you can open your eyes Y/n" I heard her say.

At this point I didn't want to I couldn't get her body out of my mind. Her curves, her brown skin...

I felt myself starting to get hard and I freaked out.

" Uh meet me downstairs when your done" i said quickly jumping off the counter and running out the door.

If she planned this she is evil..

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