Chapter 14

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" mmh Y/n I'm cumi-" she let out a loud moan, scratching my back.

I shot my load inside her and slowed my movements to help us come down from our highs. I pulled out and left to grab a towel to clean her up.

We've been having sex a lot more often. At first I thought she was using me but we actually go out and stuff so that isn't in my mind as much anymore.

" What are your plans for today" i asked.

" I don't know I might have a date to go on or something" she said looking at me.

" I still don't know why your with him" i said.

" I don't know ether but I still am" she said as I put some boxers on.

I turned on my game I had and started playing it. I could feel her eyes on me but I refused to turn around. She confused me sometimes like she would claim she's loyal to him but still end up in bed with me. She needs to make up her mind or something.

" Y/n I know you think I'm using you I promise I'm not" I heard her say.

" Mhm" i said killing the guy on the game.

" Y/n" she called me I ain't turn around and she sighed.

I won my game and finally turned around to see her already looking at me.

" What" i said.

" It's not what you think it is. I promise" she said sitting up. She was kinda clothed now with only a shirt of mine and her panties.

She crawled to me and wrapped her arms around me. We sat like that until her phone went off. She groaned and went over to it.

" I have to go but I'll text you" she said grabbing a pair of my shorts and putting them on.

" Okay" i said.

She walked over and gently grabbed my face and pulled me into a kiss. I tried my hardest not to kiss back but I gave in. Her lips are like a drug I don't want to stop doing.

We pulled away and she pecked my lips and made sure she had everything then left.

I sighed and went to the top of my bed and laid down.

" I'm gonna just sleep I'll feel better afterwards" i said laying back and taking a nap.

I woke up to my phone ringing I didn't look at who was calling and picked it up.

" Hello" i rasped out.

I heard sniffling from the other side. I was confused and was gonna hand up when I heard her voice.

" Y/n" she said barley above a whisper.

" Normani.. Whats wrong where are you" I asked sitting up.

" I'm home... He-He cheated on me" she sobbed out.

I sighed and rubbed my face.

" okay let me run to the store really quick and I'll be there" I said hanging up.

Time Skip

I knocked on the door with a bunch of bags in one of my hands. After a minute she opened the door with a tear stained face and puffy eye.

"Come here" i said opening my arms. She jumped in them and I carried her with one hand. I closed the door and got directions to her room. I sat the snacks and stuff on the floor and laid down with her. I whispered sweet things to her and rubbed her back. She calmed down a bit.

" is there something wrong with me" she mumbled.

" No why would you say that" I said running my fingers through her hair.

" every relationship I've been in all I did was get cheated on so I must be the problem" she said with a sob a the end of it.

" There is nothing wrong with you. If anything there's something wrong with them. You're amazing and they lost something special" i told her honestly.

" I'm tired of being hurt y/n" she started sobbing again.

" I know princess I know" I said letting her get it out.

She ended up crying herself to sleep and I felt bad for her. She's honestly broken. Maybe if she's not in some kind of funk tomorrow I can do a bunch of things to cheer her up.

I kissed her head and decided to sleep with her so I could wake up before her and figure everything out.


Sorry it's short but hey it's something

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