chapter 23

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( y'all are about to hate my soul😭😭)

a few years later

i woke up to my alarm clock going off. i woke up to my wife's hair in my face. i got out of her grip and got up. i went to the bathroom doing my business and getting dressed.

 i went to the bathroom doing my business and getting dressed

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a lot happened after the fall out with normani. i turned into the hoe of the school and fucked every single one of her close friends. arin did her dirty and she got back with rameer.

my wife woke up as i finished getting dressed.

" you have to take Nevaeh to her dance practice" she mumbled.

" why can't you take her today i have to check on the diner and my auto shop" i asked.

" because i asked you too plus your daughter wants you too also.. i'll meet you guys there and her teacher is a very nice lady so you'll feel welcomed" she said.

i just sighed and agreed.

i kissed her lips and went into my daughters room to see she was already up.

" hey princess" i said.

" mama" she said happily.

" are you taking me to practice today" she asked as i picked her up.

" yes princess i will be" i said kissing her cheek.

i put her down to finish getting ready and made some calls.

we finished just in time and we left.

" you wanna stop and get food" i asked her looking through the mirror.

" yes please" she said.

we pulled into a diner and got out.

we walked and she got a few things she wanted plus a milkshake.

i ordered some pancakes and a milkshake.

we ate till i checked my watch.

" it's time to go" i said paying for the food and getting her up.

i made sure she was clean and we left the place.

i put in the address and headed towards the studio she practiced in.

we started having a little jam fest.

we got there then pulled in.

i fixed my hat and got her out the car and carried her bag.

we walked in hand in hand and all eyes were on me.

i let her run off as i saw justine.

" hey" i said.

" hey i thought you got lost" she said getting up and pecking my lips.

" nahh she wanted food so my baby got food" i said.

i sat down in the chair next to her and she sat back in hers.

my phone started going off continuously and i pulled it out seeing it was updates about everything since i couldn't be there.

i was texting like crazy.

" can you get off your phone to watch your daughter" she whispered.

" i am but how we pay most of the stuff is through what i own so at the end of the day i need to respond" i said as i continued telling the things we need to cut and get rid of and things.

i was so into my phone i didn't realize vaeh was handing me something.

" mama here" she giggled.

" i'm sorry baby" i said putting my phone away.

i grabbed what she was trying to give and it was a ticket.

" what's this for" i asked.

" my recital silly" she said giving me a hug and running off.

i smiled and put it in my pocket.

i watched her for the rest of the time not really paying attention to anyone or anything else but her.

at the end i got up and walked to her.

" baby you did amazing" i said picking her up.

" i'm trying to get it perfect" she said.

" it's already perfect" i said kissing her cheek.

i put her down as i heard voices behind me.

" yeah my wife can look at your car for you if you bring it to her shop"

" really i don't want it to be any trouble"

" it's no problem right babe" she said.

i turned around.

" huh" i said looking at my wife then looking at the woman next to her and i almost died where i stood.

" her car needs to be looked at so you think you can look at it for her. she said it's something wrong with her tailpipe and the motor or something like that"

" uhm uh yeah i can um take a look at it" i said.

" okay i can send y-" she got cut off by one of the moms calling her.

" i'll send you everything" she said touching her arm then walking away.

" y/n" she said staring at me like she's seen a ghost.

" normani" i said.

" wow you um you look great" she said.

" thanks i know" i said.

now don't get me wrong she looks good asl but i won't let her know that.

" wow you have a um beautiful family and a very talented daughter " she said.

" thank you"i said.

" i would love to meet up and catch up" she said.

" gotta talk to my wife about it first" i said walking past her.

" nice seeing you too" i heard her huff.

" yeah yeah and it's still fuck you" i said loud enough for her to hear it.


y'all i know y'all see how this chapter ended ima let y'all put two and two together and curse me out for a little😭😭🤣.

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