Chapter 5

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I skipped school today and went straight to work. Shawn was a little upset at first but he got over it. It was about 2 when I heard someone call me.

" Nope I'm bout to go home b- Oh Normani you were serious" I said looking at the girl in front of me.

I started to check her out subconsciously cause let me say she may be a asshole but she look good no lie.

" Yes I was so let's go" she said walking back to her car.

I rolled my eyes and clocked out then walked to my car. I got in it and drove back to my house. I turned my car off and got out. Normani got out of hers and followed. We walked into my house and went in my room. Is took my button up off and put it in the dirty clothes.

" Well you can wait here cause I need to shower" i said grabbing clean clothes and heading into the bathroom.

I quickly showered and got dressed but I forgot to get a shirt. I wiped my face and walked out the bathroom and walked to my dirty clothes basket. I dropped my clothes in there and went to my dresser. I grabbed a random T- shirt and threw the towel on top of something. I put the shirt on and turned around to see Normani already looking at me. I raised my eyebrow and grabbed my stuff.

" Alright part two of this" i said opening my notebook. She looked like she was in thought. I snapped my fingers in front of her face.

" Uh hello" I said and she looked at me.

She mumbled a quick sorry before we got started.

We worked on it for a few hours and she finally caught on to it fully.

" I swear you teach better than he does. If he taught it like this his class would be a breeze" she said closing her notebook.

" No problem" i said putting my stuff away.

Her phone started ringing. She picked it up and put it to her ear. She looked fine but then it looked like she was panicking.

" Okay I'll be there i totally forgot I was just caught up with something" she said hanging up her phone.

" Hey Uh Thanks for everything but I forgot I had a date tonight " she said grabbing her stuff.

" No problem glad I can help" I said helping her. We walked down stairs. I opened the door and she grabbed everything from me.

" Thanks again.. I know I haven't been the best person in the world to you but thank you for still going out of your way for this" she said with a smile.

" No problem it was only two days" I said shrugging.

" Well still thank you" she said walking away. I chuckled and closed the door.

I went upstairs and laid on my bed.

" her being nice... Lmao No way" I mumbled.

I was chilling on my bed when I heard my phone go off. I picked it up to see a text from a random number.

From unknown
Hey it's Normani I got your number from someone just in case I need help again.

I changed the contact name to Ms.Popular.

To Ms.Popular
Not many people have my number since I'm the social outcast so who'd you get it from?

From Ms.Popular
A magician never reveals their secrets

To Ms.Popular
And I'm the nerd... anyways don't you have date to be getting ready for.

From Ms.Popular
Yes I do and I should start right now goodbye

I never responded after that. I wonder who she got my number from because not many people have it unless someone found out what it was and leaked it... Damn I hope that's not the case. I put my phone on the charger and put my head on my pillow.

" Tomorrow is gonna be a day of hell I can already feel it" i mumbled.

I closed my eyes and let myself dream of my happy places.

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