Chapter 8

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Normani wants to have lunch today but I have to work both jobs so I told her to stop by the diner and I can cook us up some food. She's okay with it especially because it's before the game that's happening tonight. I was under my car tuning a few things because I had time to spare before heading to the diner from here when I saw feet standing in front of me. I slid from under and looked up to see Normani. I smiled.

" Hey your early" i said looking at her.

" Yeah well I kinda have to cancel on our lunch planes because of Arin... I'm sorry" she said kinda upset.

" It's cool your boyfriend wants to spend time with you" i said.

" No it's not this is my second time canceling on you this week" she groaned out.

" It's cool Your popular in school I'm not so I get it your gonna be busy" I said sliding back under the car only for me to be pulled back out.

" I'll make it up to you... Let's spend time together after the game" she said.

" There's a game after party that you have to go to" I said looking at her.

" Shit I forgot about that" she said rubbing her forehead.

" stop stressing it Normani I understand.. I'm a very understanding person" i said looking at her.

" I'm still sorry again" she said.

" and it's still fine" i said chuckling.

" What's wrong with your car" she asked as I stood up.

" Nothing just tuning a few things up" i said getting up.

She mumbled something as I walked passed her.

" Huh" i said looking at her putting my tools away.

" Nothing" she said with a innocent smile.

I squinted my eyes at her and let it go. I checked the time.

" You need to go missy" i said going to the back with her following me.

" I will when your greet me formally" she said as I took the button up off. I thew it in my locker and grabbed my phone and stuff.

I closed it and turned around. I pulled her into a hug and she relaxed in my hold.

" There i greeted you now gooo before your late" i said pushing her out the door.

" okay okay I'll text you" she said walking away.

I walked to my car and started it up. It roared to life and I smiled. I pulled off and headed towards the diner.

Time Skip

" So where's your little girlfriend" Nia asked.

" Not my girlfriend and at the football game cheering" I said cleaning the table.

" Weren't y'all suppose to have lunch today" Malik asked.

" Boyfriend wanted her" i said walking back over to them.

" I'm telling you that girl wants something from you she was just a bitch to you, you help her once and she's nice to you" Nia said.

" Stop being a cockblock maybe she want some of y/n" Malik said.

" Or maybe we're just friends why do y'all keep saying somethings going on between us" I said sitting on a stool.

" Because their is" Malik said.

" Isn't" i said rolling my eyes.

" Their definitely is a-"

" Bruh say it again and I'm taking $20 out your check" i said mean mugging him. He shut up and packed his stuff up.

" Well I'm out catch you on the flip side" he said throwing up a peace sign and walking out the door.

I put everything away and Nia looked at me.

" Just be careful I don't like how she's moving" she said giving me a hug.

" I know don't worry my guard ain't completely down" I said hugging her back.

She left leaving me to lock up and go home. I walked in the house and stripped in the middle of my room. I put some sweats on and got in the bed. I was really tired today so I just wanted to sleep. I closed my eyes and began to drift off. I was about to slump when my phone started ringing. I groaned and picked it up. I saw Normani's name flash across my phone. It's 2 isn't the morning she better have a good reason. I picked it up and put it to my ear.

" Whatchu want Hami-"

" Heyy y/n" she slurred out.

" Normani your drunk go have fun or something" I said.

" But I wanna have fun with you... Arin gave me something to relax my nerves and I feel gooood" she said laughing at the end.

I had a bad feeling about this. " Normani where Is this party at I'm coming to get you" I said.

" i don't know do I look like the map" she asked with a small attitude.

" Little girl don't start with me where you at" i said catching a attitude now.

I heard her suck her teeth. " 56 Northman drive (I DONT KNOW IF THIS IS A REAL PLACE OR NOT)" she said.

I hung up on her and grabbed a tank top and threw on my shoes and grabbed my keys and headed to this party. When I pulled up there were hella cars. I got out my car and ran into the house. The smell of sweat,weed, and alcohol filled my nose. I searched the first floor and found no sign of her. I went into thought and it was a high school party she's upstairs.  I ran up the steps dodging people as I went room to room trying to find out where she was.

I finally swung the door open to the room she was in to see Arin on top of her. I took all the strength I had and knocked him off of her. I started to hit him continuously. I got up and got normani up. I put a random shirt on her and carried her downstairs and into my car.

She thankfully didn't throw up on me to the drive to my house but she was very touchy. I brought her into my house because I don't think it's a good idea for her to go home like this. I laid her down in my room and took her shirt off. I put one of mine on her then took her shoes off. She curled up into my pillow and smiled.

I grabbed my charger and stuff and went downstairs I plugged my phone in and laid down on the couch.

" It never fails with you" i mumbled closing my eyes.

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