Chapter 2

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" Your all set Mrs.Reed it shouldn't leak anymore" i said cleaning my hands off with a rag.

" Thank you again y/n" he said getting into his pick up truck.

" It's no problem tell Linda I said hi" i said hitting his truck as he started it. He smiled at me and nodded then drove off.

I walked over to Shawn and looked over his shoulder to take a peak at his clipboard.

" Your all done for the day. Thanks for coming in early I swear it's like your the only one that listens to me now and days" he said.

" It's no problem Shawn you know you've helped me since the whole thing with my dad and kept me out of trouble so it's fine" I said patting his shoulder and walking to Amanda.

" You all done for today" she asked.

" Thankfully because now I have a shift at the diner" i said as I heard another car pull up.

I started to unbutton my work shirt.

" Kid you got to take it easy you don't need to work yourself to death" she said looking up from her papers.

" I know but I'm all my mom has.. I gotta help out the best I can" I said.

She gave me a sad smile. I was about to say something when I heard commotion from behind me. I turned to see Derrick Hamilton talking to Shawn... More like arguing and I already know what it's about.

" Well my work isn't done yet" i said walking towards them.

" she's clocking out I told her she can leave one of our other guys can work on o-"

" She wouldn't mind working on this really quick we pay her good money when she does and I don't trust any one else other than her to do it last time someone else did they almost destroyed my Car" Derrick said upset.

" Hey Shawn I can do it I didn't clock out yet but after them I will and head to the diner" I said putting my hand on his shoulder.

He sighed. " Okay but he better pay you good out he isn't coming back here" he grumbled walking away.

I let out a breath and turned towards Derrick.

" What's up Derrick what can I do for you" I said putting the rag in my back pocket.

" I'm having some problems with the windshield wiper again" he said shaking his head.

" Y/n how are you" Andrea said getting out the car and walking to us.

" I'm okay could be better but hey I'm alive" i said with a smile.

" that's good... Oh have you met my daughter Normani and Her boyfriend" She asked waving them out the car.

They slowly got out and walked in front of me.

" Yeah I've met them we go to school together" i said with no emotion.

" Oh yeah I forgot that well Normani y/n here is the reason we're on time to places when the car breaks down so you should really thank her" Andrea said.

" Thanks" she said with a fake smile.

" No problem not like you appreciate what I do" I mumbled the last part walking by them to the car. " it shouldn't take me long I can have y'all going real soon" i said popping the hood of the car.

" Thank you" Andrea said.

Time Skip

I closed the hood of the car and checked the windshield wiper fluid and it works perfectly fine now. I walked into the waiting lounge.

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