Chapter 13

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I woke up to Normani still sleeping. I slipped out of bed and put on some sweats and a sports bra. I grabbed my phone to check it to see I had got a few text.

Hey bud checking on you. I should be back later maybe around 4 Wanna hang?

So that lunch date?

Had to stay at grandmas she isn't feeling well I'll be home in a few days. Make sure the house is cleaned and stuff by the time I come back.

I rolled my eyes at that last message but replied to all of them. I went downstairs and grabbed an apple to eat. I was chilling on the couch watching Tv when I heard a groan. I looked to see a limping Normani coming towards me.

" Why'd you go so far" she groaned out flopping on me.

" It's wasn't even that far" i said.

" It is when your legs don't want to work and feel like jelly" she mumbled.

" Well that's your fault for that" i said wrapping my arm around her.

" For a so called virgin you definitely blew my standards out of the water" she said.

" Ex-Virgin" i said correcting her with a smirk.

" Yeah yeah" she said kinda waving me off.

" Wasn't saying that before" I said looking back at the Tv.

" Your right I wasn't because you were buried deep inside me so there wasn't much I could say" she said looking at the Tv also.

The thoughts of earlier clouded my mind on how she was a moaning mess underneath me. I felt myself start to get hard again and I shifted.

" Y/n are you hard again" she said but I refused to look at her.

" No" i said lying.

" Why are you lying I can feel it" she said running her hand over my print. I shuttered. I quickly got up and picked her up and she squealed.

" Round two Hamilton" i said walking up the steps.

" Good cause I want to feel it for the next month" she said and I know there's a smirk evident.

The next day

I walked into the school with a smile for once. I walked into math and sat down. I waited for Eli and he came in and sat in his seat.

" Hey y/n" he said.

" Hey Eli" i said pulling out my notes out.

Arin and Normani walked in and I let a small smirk take over my face because she was walking weirdly.

" Looks like Arins shrimp did something to the queen" he said.

" It wasn't Arin" i said looking at him.

" if it wasn't Arin then who.... Y/n did you-"

" Yes now don't make a big deal about it as of rn please" i said looking at him.

" I leave for a few days and you loose your virginity to the most popular girl in school" he mumbled.

I pulled out my phone and texted Normani.

To Normani
You okay walking a little funny

From Normani
this is your fault.

To Normani
And I'll do it again

From Normani
And you will soon but anyways you want to get lunch after English.

To Normani
Yeah but it can't be long I have to work

From Normani

I put my phone back in my pocket as the teacher started talking.

" Here's a test to see if some of you actually re-studied or not good luck" Mrs. Reed said.

He passed out the paper and I looked at Normani.

" This is everything we worked on come on babe" i mumbled then looked down and started my test.

Time Skip

" How do you think you did" I asked the girl in front of me.

" I think I actually passed this time so Thank you" she said taking a fry off my plate.

" aye stop stealing my food you thief" I said furrowing my eyebrows.

She laughed and took a sip of her soda.

" Can we take this food to go and cuddle before you leave for work" she asked.

" Yeah" I said waving down the waitress.

" What can I get you" she asked with a smile.

" just some to go boxes please" i said.

" Anything for you" she said winking at me. I looked at her confused them looked back at Normani.

" did the waiter just flirt with me" I asked.

" Yep" Normani said crossing her arms and looking at me.

"What" i said looking at her.

" Nothing" she said clearly upset.

The waitress came back with the boxes and a piece of paper.

" Here's my number you should call me" she said with a smirk.

Normani got up a bit and leaned across the table and grabbed me by my shirt. She pulled me up to meet her half way and smashed our lips together. She shoved her tongue in my mouth and I moaned. I guess she got the reaction she wanted cause she pushed me away and sat back down.

" She's okay you can take that number and give it to someone else" she said with a innocent smile.

The waitress rolled her eyes and walked away. I looked at Normani and that smile she had turned into a smirk.

" Hmmm Jealous Mani is hot" i said with a chuckle.

" Mhm pack ya food and come on Romeo" she said jokingly.

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