(iv) rescue

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y/n squinted her eyes, realising that she was injured and trying to look at whoever was standing in front of her with his back faced towards her, shielding her from being attacked any further.

"g..gojo satoru", the voice of the spirit shook as he spoke

"don't mind me", his face broke into a smile, "i'm just here to exorcise you. it'll be nice and painful. my treat."

"n..no this wasn't supposed to happen", his voice broke off

"any last words?", gojo asked, his expression turning icy, "haha just kidding, i don't care"

that was all y/n heard before, owing to the attack she'd suffered, she went unconscious.

one hour earlier

"gojo sensei", nobara began, "what kind of cursed technique allows you to manipulate time?"

"why?", he questioned. the only person he knew that had ever tried to do that was-

"because i was thinking about a technique someone used and that seems to be the only explanation"

"hmm who?"

"well this lady named y/n"

the silver haired man stopped what he was doing.

"what did you just say?"

"y/n", she gave him a confused look, "she was your junior in school i think-"

"no i know who y/n is", he said, "how do you?"

"we saw her today", she shrugged. it was the first time she had ever seen even a hint of stress on his face, "is everything okay?"

"uhhhh excuse me", was all he said as he walked away from her


"gojo sensei and her. do they have history?"

he walked straight into yaga's office. the principal looked at him blankly.

"where is she?"

"where's who?"

"you know damn well who i'm talking about", satoru said

"she went to take a walk", yaga said, "at least that's what nanami told me"

he stormed out, entering the city to find her. he just happened to find the encounter between y/n and the curse instead.

back to the present

y/n apprehensively relaxed into the arms that were carrying her.

they seemed so warm, so safe, so strong.

so..... familiar?

her eyes opened wide to see who was carrying her.

"greetings y/n", gojo hummed, "what the hell happened, hmm?"

"satoru", she breathed. if she could, she would've gotten out of his arms immediately. but every time she moved even slightly, a shooting pain ran through her shoulder, all the way down her torso. "why are-"

"don't try to talk", he instructed and she realised he was right so she just squeezed her eyes shut, inhaling sharply and trying to forget that it was him who was carrying her.

they made it back to the school and gojo took her straight to ieri, who looked at them with her jaw on the floor.

"how did you...", her voice trailed off as she saw y/n's injury

"so you knew she was here too!", he gasped dramatically, "the betrayal is real"

"she asked me not to say anything!", ieri protested

"whatever, just heal her", he tried his best to not sound concerned, putting on his usual smile

"so are you staying or?.."

"i'll be leaving"

"i don't know what the hell went down between you two but you have been hung up on her ever since she left. and y'all clearly need to talk about some stuff."

"she hates me", he said in a matter-of-fact way, "and that's that"

"she wouldn't hate you if she knew why you actually broke up with-"

"can we keep my relationship aside for a minute because i noticed something more important", he said


"y/n was fighting a grade 1 curse at the most", he said


"well, i haven't seen her in a while but i know she can handle grade 1 curses. she's not weak you know. she wouldn't go down that easily."

"i know that"

"so there was definitely someone else there", he continued, "apart from the curse she was fighting. and they definitely hadn't expected that i would show up. ya know, cause i'm the strongest"

"yes everyone knows that. now move on"

"the other person manipulated her in such a way that left her vulnerable to be attacked", he explained, "maybe he exploited some kind of weakness she had. like her parents?"

"maybe", she repeated, "we'll probably know more when she wakes up. i'll keep you posted."

˜"*°•.˜"*°• . •°*"˜.•°*"˜

hi my beautiful readers how are all of you today?

i'm s t r e s s e d and s l e e p d e p r i v e d

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