(xli) gay

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(this chapter will contain spoilers regarding the shibuya arc and slight culling game arc)

"you do know how much i'm risking by doing this, don't you?"

"i know, thank you"

"what's with the glasses?"

"they're satoru's"

"they match the outfit"

"if you get caught, i'm dead"

"you owe me anyway", y/n replied, accepting the piece of paper handed to her, "or have you forgotten?"

y/n's other hand was holding onto a leash. she'd briefly returned to her room at the school to get her dog and some of her stuff.

(bet some of you forgot kuro the dog existed🤨)

they were sitting in a bar next to a private airstrip. dogs weren't generally around inside but y/n looked pretty intimidating right now and none of the staff had the guts to approach her.

"yeah yeah, thanks for saving my ass a few years ago or whatever", the woman sitting with y/n laughed, "my contact will be here soon"

"this makes us even. i won't ask for more.", she nodded, taking a sip of her drink, "you have your own issues"

she raised an eyebrow at this. "what issues?"

"you're doubting your loyalties", y/n stated plainly

"i didn't really have any loyalties to begin with, i think"

a man in a uniform interrupted them.

"l/n-san, your plane is ready"

"i'll be leaving now", y/n said, paying for her drink and thanking the bartender

she got ready to leave when her accomplice grabbed her wrist, pulling her back suddenly. their faces were inches away from each other.

"we're not friends you know", she muttered, staring at her lips

y/n smirked at the tension she created, leaning in close to her ear.

"that may be the case", she whispered, "but i still know what kind of girls you like"

y/n turned back to the man waiting at the entrance of the bar and nodded as she walked. kuro followed her, growling at the person they were with.

"where will you be going?"

"now why would i tell you that?", y/n asked

she chuckled, "bye y/n"

"see you later, yuki"

yuki watched as she left the bar, her smile disappearing as she got up to head out too.

"gojo satoru really has everything, huh"


meanwhile in the prison realm

"it's been like a few hours max", gojo wondered out loud, looking around, "AND I'M ALREADY BORED"

"maybe i should practice an apology cause y/n's gonna kill me when i get out of here"

one hour later

"what if i don't get out for a loooong time. like what if she moves on and finds love and gets married and has kids?"

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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2021 ⏰

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