(xxxii) the morning after

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3:04 am

y/n woke up in a cold sweat, hands trembling.

"dream, it was a dream", she mumbled to herself, her heart rate increasing as she tried to calm down, "yes, everything is okay. satoru is-"

she turned to the empty space on the bed beside her, sheets disheveled. satoru wasn't here.

she glanced at the clock at the bedside. it was still dark outside.

"where is satoru and where's my phone?"

she looked around, reaching out blindly for her phone when she heard the faint sound of the tv outside. she breathed a small sigh of relief.

she clutched the sheets, realising that she was completely naked underneath. she found the hoodie satoru was wearing earlier, putting it on and shakily zipping it up.

it was way too loose for her, drooping down to her thighs. and her legs ached, courtesy of her boyfriend but that was the last thing on her mind right now.

she walked out of the room, limping a little bit to see satoru still very much awake, watching some random movie that she couldn't place with a rather disinterested expression.

he was wearing his sweatpants and nothing else. his eyes fell on her and he sat up, smiling at her.

"hello", she waved, walking towards him and joining him on the couch

"hey", he sighed as he put an arm around her, "i thought you were asleep"

"same", she remarked as they got into a more comfortable position. she laid back on the couch, and he laid down on top of her, his head resting in the crook of her neck. 

it wasn't comfortable, to be honest. it was just comforting.

"i couldn't sleep", he said, planting small kisses over the prominent hickeys he had left on her neck a few hours ago, "what are you doing up?"

"oh nothing", she ran her hand up his toned back when he flinched, groaning.

"that hurts"

"what hurts?", her eyes fell on his bare back, which had a few scratch marks on it. she ran her fingers over them again, "this?"

"mhmm", he whined, "why'd you have to do that?"

"excuse me, i can hardly walk right now", she rolled her eyes, "you're not the one that should be complaining"

he chuckled into her neck, kissing it again. it felt good.

"so why weren't you able to sleep?", she asked, ruffling his hair.

she forgot about her nightmare. nothing was gonna happen to satoru. he was here. and he was invincible.

"i just... have this feeling", he said, "something bad is gonna happen."

"elaborate for me"

"all of this feels too good to be true", he sighed, "like some kind of calm before the storm"

y/n wanted to reassure him. to let him know that it was all in his head but she knew he wouldn't believe her. his intuition was unmatched. he had an annoying habit of being right.

"you're one of the few people in this world", she kissed the top of his head. "with the privilege of enjoying the calm before the storm."

"you alone are the honoured one."

the thought passed from his head because he was wildly distracted now, realising y/n was in his hoodie right now.

"so soft", he mumbled, moving down from the crook of her neck to her boobs. he laid his head in them, using them like a pillow.

𝐈𝐍𝐅𝐈𝐍𝐈𝐓𝐄: 𝐠𝐨𝐣𝐨 𝐬𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐮 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now