(xl) death and denial

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this chapter will contain manga spoilers (shibuya arc and culling game arc)

"who.... who is this", y/n took a closer look at the corpse she was kneeling in front of. her whole body felt numb. "this can't be.. no"

"y/n sensei", she felt a hand on her shoulder. it felt familiar so she didn't react to it.

"is this...", she asked in a low voice. she didn't even dare say his name out loud. "who is this, maki?"

maybe if she didn't say it out loud it wouldn't be true.

maybe then nanami kento wouldn't be dead.

"it's nanam-",



"it's not", she touched the tie that was wrapped around the hand of the dead body, "it's not him"

"it is", maki replied quietly

y/n was struggling to hold back the tears that were threatening to fall out. nanami was gone.

but he was just here. she had spoken to him over the phone merely an hour ago. so why?

it felt like a horrible dream. she hadn't fully processed it. she didn't want to come to terms with it until everything was okay again. even though that idea seemed nothing short of wishful thinking right now.

finally turned around to look at maki.

"where is mahito?"

"i don't know"

"this is not over yet", she said, letting out a shaky breath

"no it's not"

"let's split up", she said, "in case you need any help, call me immediately"

"okay", maki nodded. they ran off into opposite directions.

"kento senpai... i'm so sorry"

y/n finally came face to face with another cursed spirit by the name dagon. originally a cursed womb like the other troublemaker in today's incident by the name choso.

he had the appearance of some sort of sea monster, with the head of an octopus and a large number of tentacles. he, however, also bore limbs, along with a tail.

a mountain of skeletons lay beside dagon. so many casualties.

he slithered forward, ready to attack y/n, thinking she was a civilian but he would soon realise it was a grave mistake.

she stood in front of him, as still as water. she got ready to use the time based cursed technique. after this, she would have enough energy to use it one final time.

if nothing else, it would definitely give her an idea of his power.

to her horror, dagon endured it well. her repeated blows had little to no effect on him. but she was not about to lose today.

"are you the one who killed my brothers?", he asked her.

to his confusion, she smiled.

she was so angry, so overwhelmed, that she couldn't help but smile about how hopeless everything seemed.

"i'm not", she replied, her smile slowly turning maniacal, "don't worry though, i'm very kind."

her hands joined together, one with the palm up and the other meeting it in a rather relaxed fashion. she hadn't used this in a long, long time. but she decided that she had very little to lose now. what was the harm?

𝐈𝐍𝐅𝐈𝐍𝐈𝐓𝐄: 𝐠𝐨𝐣𝐨 𝐬𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐮 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now