(xxix) sympathise

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this chapter will contain manga spoilers (shibuya arc)

we will begin with a
flashback: fourteen years ago

"y/n", the twelve year old girl flinched as she felt a tap on her shoulder

"oh! it's just you toji-san", she gave him a relieved smile, "you have to stop sneaking up on me like that!"

"how's training going?", he asked, sitting down in front of her.

"the same"

as someone raised by the zenin family, y/n didn't interact with a lot of people. she mostly just trained, ate and slept. pretty monotonous.

sometimes, she would sneak out at night to roam around the city but that was about it.

of course, years later, she spent the better part of her twenties making up for lost time.

in the otherwise boring life that she was living, a certain raven haired man showed up occasionally, when no one was around. and they would just talk.

about a lot of things. the role of sorcerers in this world and his thought process towards them. about the current affairs of the community. the drama and tea, if you will.

some were pretty heavy conversations to have with a twelve year old, now that she looks back.

sometimes he would give her tips on how to improve her sparring techniques. they were always surprisingly effective.

though y/n was unaware of what his actual job was, she knew he was dangerous and somewhat estranged from the zenin family. that kind of intuition was something she possessed naturally.

but she was so starved of human interaction that she didn't really care that he was dangerous. he wasn't trying to kill her. if he wanted to, he already would have. so what was the harm?

"y/n are you aware of what the six eyes are?", toji asked, sitting down beside her

"i heard that someone of the gojo family has it. is it an ability or?.."

"it's an innate ability", he nodded, "and its bearer is more powerful than you could ever imagine"

"aren't you very powerful too?", she asked

"i am, of course", he chuckled, "but the power that the current wielder of the six eyes possesses.... altered the balance of the world. the gojo family is now completely dependent on his power."

"that's so cool", she hummed, "but also sort of sad, i guess?"

"what's so sad about it?"

"i mean, it's a lot of responsibility, isn't it?", she asked, "to be so powerful that people older than you begin to depend on you. it's not like he chose this."

"don't tell me you're sympathising with him"

"maybe i am", she shrugged, "what's it to anyone else anyway"

"you better not say it to his face", he laughed at how honest she was being, "your family won't be happy if you do"

her face fell as she thought about it.

"that's... if i ever even get to see him", she said quietly, "with the way things are over here, i don't think i'll even be allowed to step out of this house"

"you just have to hang on for a few years before you go to one of the schools that specialise in the study of curses. every zenin kid goes."

"will it be any better?", she asked

𝐈𝐍𝐅𝐈𝐍𝐈𝐓𝐄: 𝐠𝐨𝐣𝐨 𝐬𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐮 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now