(xxvii) simp

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(what time is it? oh right, time to appreciate the art)

"how dare you", y/n shook her head in disappointment, "after i trusted you"

"i thought i was your mentor", gojo shook his head in a similar manner, "but it was just a lie all along. i feel so used."

"can you both stop being so dramatic?", yuta glared at them

"no", they chorused

y/n and gojo had finally met up with yuta and they were just walking through a random subway station.

"you're both my mentors, you know", yuta remarked

"but i know i'm your favourite", y/n grinned, putting her arms over his shoulders, "don't lie okkotsuuu"

"he's my favourite student", gojo tried to tug of war him away, "get your own"

"i have maki", y/n let go of him

"wait, maki senpai?", yuta asked

"yeah", she nodded, "why?"

"oh", he looked away, "nothing"

"i'm interested", y/n narrowed her eyes at him, "what's up with you and maki senpai ?"

"nothing's up", he literally couldn't look at her

"really?", she smirked

"he'll tell me later", gojo put an arm around his shoulder, "won't you?"

"THERE'S NOTHING TO TELL", he hissed, "didn't you say you had something to discuss with me?"

"yeah i did", gojo grew a little more serious

"should i leave?", y/n asked genuinely, cause she didn't want to intrude

"no no stay", he held on to her wrist, "i think it's important for you to know this too"

(okay so there will be a manga spoiler from here so skip it if you're an anime only or haven't reached chapter 143 of the manga. scroll down to the picture of gojo after which the spoiler-free part will continue)

"okay continue", y/n nodded, as they walked out of the station into an alleyway

"i think.. one of the objectives of mahito and all these special grades that have been appearing lately", he explained, "is to seal me off"

they nodded, listening intently

"and if that happens", he turned to yuta, "please look out for the first years."

"okay", he affirmed, "i will, if it's important to you"

"and y/n", he addressed her, "it's likely that they don't know the full extent of your abilities."

"don't worry", she said calmly, "they won't know what hit them."

he nodded, smirking at her confidence.

"but", she continued, "don't get your ass sealed. cause that would cause a lot of damage."

"awwww are you worried about me?", he teased

"shut up", she groaned

"don't worry", he brought his face close to hers, "i won't"

she pushed him away, trying not to smile, "good"

she pushed him away, trying not to smile, "good"

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