(vii) blindfold

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y/n usually bounced back from injuries pretty fast. a week at the most, no matter how serious the injury. just as long as it was physical.

this time was pretty similar. even though shoko insisted she wear a shoulder brace for a few days and not train or fight, she was able to do stuff on her own.

she walked towards the vending machines to buy a drink when she was approached by another student.

"you look very familiar", a voice addressed her and she turned her head to see a girl with shoulder length black hair. she had dark eyes as well, which reminded her of another student.

"excuse you, i guess", y/n turned to her, taking a sip of (fav drink) that she'd just paid for. "introduce yourself"

"zenin mai"


"and why do i look familiar to you?", she asked

"that's what i'm trying to figure out", mai replied

"i'm l/n y/n", she nodded in acknowledgement, "you're maki's twin, aren't you?"

"you know maki?"

"well yeah", she shrugged, "why?"

she grew silent before hastily changing the topic, "who exactly are you l/n-san? a teacher or?.."

"no no i'm just here on business", she informed, "do you go here?"

"i'm from kyoto high actually"

"oh right, the exchange event is coming up"

"you know about the exchange event?!"

"cause i'm also alumni", she gave her a faint smirk

"oh. you went to tokyo high then", she said distastefully

"yeah, kicked kyoto's ass three years in a row too, might i add", she gave her an insincere smile

"woah, let's keep the trash talk to a minimum", a painfully familiar voice joined the conversation

"gojo sensei", mai looked at him and waved

"kyoto does suck though", he grinned, "don't you think so y/n?"

"you just said keep the trash talk to a minimum satoru", she punched his arm, "but yeah, kyoto sucks"

"ugh, anyway i'm supposed to meet principal masamichi", mai walked off

"does she know who you are?", gojo asked when she was gone

y/n finally turned to look at him, wearing his exorcism outfit and blindfold, "no she doesn't, i think. after all i was in the lower ranks of the clan."

"the zenin clan are so mean to me and for what?", he shook his head

"you did go and spray paint their walls that one time", she sighed, "they have pretty good reason"

he laughed when they were interrupted by kuro running upto them.

"what the-", gojo stared at the dog, who jumped on him, wagging his tail vigorously and panting.

𝐈𝐍𝐅𝐈𝐍𝐈𝐓𝐄: 𝐠𝐨𝐣𝐨 𝐬𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐮 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now