(xxxi) ruined

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(credit: @/Rennca_ on twitter)

(this is gonna be a very long chapter. long like gojo's- nvm just read ahead.)

"hmm i wonder what it'll be like", y/n thought, walking into a small elevator of a tall apartment building. gojo's apartment building.

she had thought about it the whole time she was with the second years. she hadn't bothered changing. she was still wearing the tight little skirt from before because she liked the way he was looking at her when he saw it.

the elevator she was in opened directly inside his penthouse. she walked in, a small paper bag in her hand.

"satoru?", she called out, walking into his living room

"yeah?", his voice called back, "give me a minute"

she took off her jacket, rolling up the sleeves of her white button up and undoing the first two buttons. she went to the kitchen, keeping the ice cream she'd bought for him in the freezer.

she sat down on the couch, turning on the tv. when satoru says 'a minute' he means at least 20 minutes.

"where was i", she muttered, scrolling through netflix, "yes, here"

she killed time till he finally showed up, lifting her outstretched legs and laying them in his lap. he was wearing a pair of sweatpants and a hoodie that was unzipped with nothing underneath. his blindfold was wrapped around his fist. his eyes on full display.

"what are you watching?", he asked, his hands resting on her thighs.

"crazy stupid love", she said, not looking at him, "ryan gosling is a god"

"but?...", he asked, fishing for a compliment

"but what?", she gave him a blank look

"but i'm better", he said, his hand now creeping up her inner thigh, "say i'm better"

"but are you better? hmm", she tried to keep a straight face as she riled him up

"did you forget the original purpose of your visit?", he asked

"i may have", she shrugged, "oh by the way, i got you ice cream"

"oh did you?", he asked dryly, "how thoughtful"

"yeah-", she was still staring at the screen when he got impatient. he got up from where he was sitting. she assumed it was to go get the ice cream.

but then he took the blindfold that was in his hand, and he draped it over her eyes.

"satoru", she sat up straight, "why?"

"if you're not looking at me, you're not looking at anyone", he hummed, tying the blindfold, making sure it didn't get entangled in her hair and that it wasn't too tight.

this is what y/n was waiting for. this side of him.

smut warning, let's do this

she waited, leaning back on the couch. "satoru?"

"hold on"

she felt him walking away from her. "what are you doing?"

and then she felt him come back, his weight dropping on the couch. his hand came to touch her face, tracing her lips.

𝐈𝐍𝐅𝐈𝐍𝐈𝐓𝐄: 𝐠𝐨𝐣𝐨 𝐬𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐮 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now