(xviii) aftermath

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"do you still love me y/n?"

"i can't... i can't answer that right now", she said, mainly because she didn't know the answer to the question either.

did she love him? after all he had put her through, did she?

"okay", he nodded, much to her surprise. "you don't have to"

she was a little impressed by how mature he had been the whole time. he knew what he did wrong. he wanted to make an effort.

"i'll let you know... in case i realise i do", she said, sniffing softly and he finally smiled, using the sleeve of his sweatshirt to wipe her tears.

"oh god i'm so tired", he groaned, laying his head against the arm of the couch and stretching his legs out, "this was like the most heavy conversation i've had in years"

"i can tell", she leaned her head back and closed her eyes for a bit, "good job"

for a few minutes they just sat in an oddly comfortable silence. gojo could kill a thousand people and not break a sweat but talking about feelings... that was a whole other story.

"you want ice cream?", he asked, getting up to go into the kitchen, "pretty sure i have (fav flavour) somewhere in my freezer"

"yes ice cream", she agreed, getting up to follow him.

he took out the tub of ice cream that they both liked and took two spoons out from a drawer, handing one of them to her.

this is not how she had expected this night to go. in his apartment, sitting on the cold kitchen counter, having ice cream right out of the tub. but the night wasn't even over yet.

his phone rang, and he walked into another room to answer it. she kept thinking about an answer to his question when she remembered one aspect of him that she had almost forgotten.

the man whore aspect🤩

she suddenly thought about all the girls that must've been to this apartment, in his bed. perhaps they even fucked on the couch she was sitting on. the thought alone made her mad.

it was part of his personality now. a habit. a routine. that wasn't going to change easily. and satoru had trouble making any change to his personality, let alone such a big one.

even if she did love him back and they got back together they would never be as they were before.

he walked back in as he hung up his phone. "so that was kiyotaka"

"what happened?"

"there's a grade 1 curse in some office building", he replied, "we're supposed to exorcise it cause everyone else is off duty. apparently some grade 2 sorcerer is trying to do it but she needs help."

"who told them we were on duty?!"

"i don't know, but come on it'll take like five minutes"

"it's grade 1 satoru"

"exactly, five minutes"

"i can do it in under a minute", she took one last spoonful of ice cream, "but okay let's go"

"is that so?", he hummed, "let's see it"

he walked into his room, picking up the blindfold he kept on his nightstand and changing into his high neck jacket while she went to splash some water on her face. if gojo really thought she was weak, she was about to show him just how wrong he was.

her lips parted as she saw him wear the blindfold again and he read her like a book.

"you were right, it's more durable than the bandages", he grinned, "come on"

she tsked under her breath.

they sat back in his car, driving upto the place they were supposed to go to. they hurried upstairs to the penultimate floor and y/n could already sense a curse.

the office was a mess, debris was everywhere, tables were overturned, lights were out, there was water leaking from somewhere. whoever was here with this spirit was really struggling.

when she had finally perfected her time-based cursed technique, she was officially informed that she was now classified as a special grade curse user. only the fifth sorcerer in japan to become one.

"WHAT TOOK YOU GUYS SO LONG", a voice yelled out as y/n ran in. she felt as if she'd heard the voice somewhere but she just couldn't place it.

"calm down kid", she sighed without looking at her, focusing on the curse. her first order of business would be to exorcise.

oh it's so cute", gojo looked at the curse, and then at her. she was not amused.

"i'm exorcising", she told him before walking towards the cursed spirit. "you go help that girl"

it came forward to attack her but she merely dodged as she accumulated enough cursed energy for her attack.

he watched intently as she used the technique he had seen her work on for so many years.

the two differed greatly that way. while he was born with his power, she had worked extremely hard to become powerful. he should never have doubted her.

and her power had grown beyond his wildest expectations. he was frankly a little taken aback as he saw the murderous look in her eyes when she exorcised the spirit in less than a second and it disappeared into thin air.

"that's hot"

gojo went over to the sorcerer who had fallen to the floor after running out of cursed energy and held out a hand.

"thank you", the girl sighed before looking up and nearly having a heart attack, "HOLY SH- you're gojo satoru"

"hello", he waved, giving her a cocky smile

"oh wait", she remembered, pointing to one corner, "mr. hottie over there is an injured non sorcerer"

y/n looked in the direction the girl had indicated before walking over there to find a man with an injured arm wearing a white button up which was slowly turning deep red and a face she could never forget.

he looked up at her with a faint smile. "y/n?"

she rushed to his side and, without thinking, wrapped her arms around his neck.

"what are the damn odds, kuroo"


my fav boy is back, and this time there will be dramabecause gojo shall meet him hehe

just watched the last jjk s1 ep. i love nobara so so so so much.

gojo ugh i don't get to see gojo again for a long time all the happiness is being sucked out of my life

anyway vote if you liked the chapter <3

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