(xxxvi) horny child satoru

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"GOOD MORNING Y/N", the loud knock on her room door caused her to almost fall out of bed.

"i swear to god satoru it's five in the morning shut up"

"is that any way to greet your totally gorgeous boyfriend, hmm?", he asked

she opened the door to let him in before going back to bed. he was wearing glasses, a black sweatshirt and sweatpants. of course he has to look annoyingly perfect all the damn time.

"how's your leg?", he asked, sitting down on the bed beside her

"absolutely fine. how's your apartment?"

"still getting renovated", he laid down next to her, draping a hand over her waist, "are you sure your leg's fine?"

"yes it is. why do you keep asking that?"

"i wanna...", he shifted her hair to one side, moving closer to her. his hand creeped up underneath the t-shirt she was wearing


"yes baby"

"did you show up to my room because you're horny"

"nooo", he said in a fake voice. she turned over so that she was facing him.


"okay fine, yes"

she got out of bed and he let out a small whine


"calm down, i'm gonna go brush"

he gasped.

"oh i love you so so so-", he blew her a kiss

"save it"

yes i am writing smut because i am at a dead end and i'm thirsty for gojo-san so this is a smut warning i'm sorry if you're a non smut reader🙂

y/n walked back out about two minutes later, wiping her face with a towel. she was wearing just a pair of shorts and a bra.

gojo's eyes lit up as he sat up with his back against the headboard. she sat in his lap carefully, putting a hand on his shoulder to steady herself.

"you do know that this is risky", she leaned in, her breaths shallow as she grazed her lips against his, "right? maki and nobara's rooms are like fifty feet away"

"that's the whole point"

he rested one of his hands on her thigh, his other holding the back of her neck to lean in and press his warm lips to hers.

she could sense how pent up he was from the moment she started kissing him. his tongue slipped into her mouth like it was second nature, pressing against hers so harshly she felt out of breath.

his hand felt up her thigh, to her ass, leaving a playful slap that made her thighs squeeze. she felt him smirk.

"you like that?", he asked, giving her an amused smile but she was stubborn that way. she would never ever admit that that turned her on.

so she went back to kissing him, harder this time, but this man wouldn't let it go. he landed a harsher slap, and she reacted the same way.

"you do, don't you?", he pulled away, the smile now curled into a lazy smirk.

she tried to look as unimpressed as possible, oblivious of how flustered she actually looked.

𝐈𝐍𝐅𝐈𝐍𝐈𝐓𝐄: 𝐠𝐨𝐣𝐨 𝐬𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐮 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now