(ix) drunk girls

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y/n hurried back to the school with the three junior sorcerers, one of whom was thought to be dead.

"ieri senpai", she called out quietly, carrying yuji's lifeless body. megumi and nobara walked away from the scene, clearly trying to recover from the shock.

"satoru said he's on his way", ieri informed, "he's not happy"

y/n nodded, "i'm leaving then."

she walked to the gate only to be stopped by someone. of course, this is a fanfic who else could it be?

"wow, fucking great"

"where are you off to?", gojo asked

"drinking", she replied, "yuji is with ieri senpai"

"okay", he said dryly

she hesitated for a few seconds, contemplating whether or not to say what she was gonna say.



"i'm sorry your student died"

he nodded, "me too"

she gave him a small, sad smile before heading out to a bar that she used to go to back in the day.

"oh my god", a voice said as she walked in through the entrance, "is that y/n i see?"

the owner of the bar was a lady in her early 30s, well now late 30s and because of how often she came around, she knew y/n well.

"kaori-san!", she waved, "wow, i thought you would've forgotten all about me"

"i couldn't even if i wanted to", she laughed, "tell me, what will you drink?"

"just beer", she said, sitting down on one of the chairs opposite the bartender, who was a girl with long hair and light eyes. pretty. much younger than her too.

kaori turned to the bartender, "serve this young lady anything she wants. on the house."

"damn, my boss loves you huh", the bartender looked at her, "she's usually pretty scary"

"she's a sweetheart", y/n laughed, "how long have you been working here?"

"close to a year, i think. so you don't live in tokyo anymore?"

"nope. but i'm thinking of staying a little longer"

"because of the nostalgia?"

"damn, what are you, a psychic?"

"yup", she winked, "what do you do?"

y/n was about to reply when their attention was diverted to two other girls sitting at the bar. both of them looked like they were about her age, maybe a couple of years younger. and both were absolutely wasted.

"that's it, i'm never gonna fall in love again", one of them said

"tell me about itttt", the other one replied, looking at
her, "why do guys suck so muchhh"

"i don't know", she shook her head

"oh, they don't know each other", the bartender whispered and y/n nodded

"this one guy", girl 1 said, "ghosted me after one night together."

"WHAT A COINCIDENCE", girl 2 replied, "i got ghosted too!!"

"plot twist: the same guy ghosted both of them", y/n whispered

"oh he was so dreamy though", girl 1 whined, "gorgeous. one of a damn kind"

"same dude same. he had this really soft hair, and he was so tall, oh man", girl 2 agreed, "the one night was phenomenal"

"so worth it", girl 1 high-fived girl 2

"i met him in a bar just like this one"


"he wore a blindfold", girl 2 recalled, "kinky. as. fuck."

y/n froze at this information.


"girl shut up", girl 1 covered her mouth, "my guy wore a blindfold tooo!! he wouldn't even let me touch it though."


"i wanna see how far they'll go without realising they're talking about the same guy", the bartender chuckled, "wow you were right!"

y/n forced a smile, "i was right"

there was a good 10 minutes worth of 'girl same' exchanged before the bartender stepped in.

"girls", she said, "what was the name of the guy that ghosted both of you?"

they turned to each other and then to her before chorusing the name.

"gojo satoru."

y/n leaned her elbows on the counter, burying her face in her hands trying to calm herself down.

"you won't believe this but i've heard of this gojo satoru guy before. he's quite the fuckboy huh", bartender-chan chuckled, not knowing she was practically kicking her when she was down, "you okay?"

she looked up, "yeah of course"

kaori walked over to y/n at the mention of gojo's name.

"y/n...", she shot her a pitying glance, "are they talking about.."

she nodded, feeling a pit form in her stomach, "yeah they are"

"i'm so sorry", kaori patted her head, "i don't know, somehow i always thought it would've worked out between the two of you"

"apparently not", she forced another smile, finishing her drink in one go, "thanks kaori-san."

"come again sometime, okay?", she replied, sighing

"i will"

she went back to the school, heading back towards her room. and she decided to pack. she thought she could handle being here, but she couldn't.

the knock on the door of her room made her stop.

"no. it better not be him."

slowly, she opened her door.

"it's him"

˜"*°•.˜"*°• . •°*"˜.•°*"˜

i'm lashing out because of the news that gojo canonically can't commit to a woman😄

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