Unknown: Thoughts

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-Sebastian's POV-

I leaned on the door frame of Ciels' room. I watched him,  curiously, piling up clothes. I assumed only omegas did things like this but what do I know.  

I looked through the book on werewolves I had again, that still surprises me on how accurate it is. I guess omegas, alphas, and betas all love laying in a good smell, preferably their mates, especially during heat. Am I his mate? Would he say I am? Well, he seems to love my shirts.

He continued to mound my clean and dirty clothes he 'stole' from me on top of his bed. After pushing one side of the bed against a wall in the room. It's actually kind of interesting to watch. To usual people it would look like a random mess in the corner made by his bed and the walls, but I see his vision. It's like a little clothing cavity. An intricate little house of clothes. Maybe I should ask how he gets that weird structure to stay but I'm content with watching right now. He looked adorable.

At some point he looked back at me, eyeing me up and down. Putting my eyebrow up in confusion, I pointed back at me.
"Can I get your shirt?" He asked.
I paused for a second but chuckled and took it off, handing it to him. He hung it on top of his little heap.
"Done! It's perfect!" He giggled.

As a demon I have ruts but their very erratic and random, especially since I assimilated with the humans. My demon aspects kind of subsided.

Looking down, feeling Ciel tug at my pants, I was tugged from my thoughts.

"Are you worried? We'll find the other wolf. I won't let you get hurt!" He put his fist out, extremely zealous.

I actually completely forgot about our little friend who came across the boarder. There hasn't been another incident since two days ago when that death was on the news, but after comprehending a werewolves ill temper when things don't go their way, I suppose it is best to keep our gaurd up. Additional hunters are going out into the woodlands. They won't find Ciels' home but they'll probably be ripped apart by a huge magical creature instead.
"Sorry. I guess I am a bit worried." I'm more concerned about the fact that this book says werewolves are especially vulnerable during rut/heat week. I could, hold my own against another werewolf if I truly wanted to. But they are freakishly strong and i dont know enough about them yet to not be deluded.
Ciel had his head cocked like a bewildered puppy. I must've zoned out again. Oops.
I guess he ignored my unfocused behavior because instead he pulled on my hand, yanking me toward his little hut. He hopped onto the bed and snuggled up in his makeshift cave.
"Come on." Ciel pat the spot next to him in anticipation.
I was hesitant. I was a bit (a lot) bigger than him and I'd feel very guilty if I accidentally destroyed it. It looked ridiculous and was surrounded in my own smell (good and bad), but he seemed happy and very proud of it. I do know that it took a long while.

I slowly laid down onto his bed, curling up next to him, making myself a little smaller, as to feel more comfortable with laying on his creation.
"Do you like it?" Ciel asked, keen.
"Yeah. Its actually very comfortable." It was softer than expected.
Ciel acts a lot more like an omega, rather than an alpha. Alphas go into ruts, and are a lot more dominant. But Ciel calls it his heat, is much smaller, and more submissive. Ciels learnt a lot through our time together and has gotten a lot more mature but he still seems like an omega. Should I ask him about it? I am very curious. I don't know if he'll be offended by it. I'll lay it on him...later.

I'll ask something else i've been curious about. "Why are werewolves so aggressive? Do you lot usually show up somewhere and think, 'I'm gonna kill this person'?"

He froze a little, looking around like he was thinking. "Werewolves are a possesive species. They fight to protect, keep, or defend. That's really the only reason. It's different with humans. They seem to share...a lot. It catches us off gaurd. It's weird." He looked genuinely offended by human culture, almost disgusted. I'm not even human and still feel embarrassed.

I pat him on the head and chuckles. "Yeah, I suppose."

He looked at me. "Don't worry about it." Wrapping his arms around my neck, he continued, "We're gonna be together forever."

I smiled, feeling wanted. I suppose I'll just wait for everything to go downhill (pessimism). We'll have to go out tommorow to find th-.
"I LOVE YOU!" Ciel smacked me on the head.
"Okay!?" Rubbing my head.

I finally sighed and snuggled up next to him. "I love you too." I put my head down into his lap, trying to hide the fact my head was throbbing in pain. I could be tearing up at the moment if I wasn't inhumanely strong, even if it still hurts really badly. 

"Okay! We shall continue to prepare. Were going to the store." Ciel popped up, coming out of his drunken love that came with my tactic of hiding a face of obvious pain. 

"For what?" I ask.
"To add to the nest. Stock up on food and water. We can also look around, to make you feel better." He listed.
Looking back at the fairly big stockpile we were already resting on, I looked back at him is disbelief. "MORE?" Really only hearing the 'adding to the nest' part. Taking a minute of staring at Ciel, while he stared at me with one eyebrow elevated, the rest of the sentence finally hit me. "We don't have to look for the other wolf. I don't feel comfortable with getting ourselves into trouble."

I guess he knew me to well because he insisted. "It'll make you feel better I'm sure. You like trouble, no?"

"Alright." To the store!" I spoke like a leader in a TV show, cautiously getting up from the nest and walking out the room.  

"To the store!" Ciel followed after.


(I WILL GET THIS DONE. It makes me sad when books I read are discontinued so even though my motivation is dissipating. I will get this book done.)

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2021 ⏰

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