Meet the Blue Wolf

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My second story please be nice well enjoy and leave suggestions this will be a long story ❤️
(Third POV)
At noon all the wolfs played around with a large stick. One wolf especially was not invited to play. Ciel. Ciel had beautiful grey-blue fur and big blue eyes that glittered wherever he went. The sparkle in his eyes didn't match his face that was laced with sadness and grief. He was all alone. His parents died in a forest fire.
There was a storm one day that was really bad everyone tried their best to keep safe. Ciels parents hated looking at the people in danger so they left their safe place to help. Then there was a strike of lightning. It hit a tree and brung it down. It also made it catch on fire. Ciel wanted to go out and try his very best to save his mom and dad but it was to late. Afterwards everything was scorched and all Ciel saw was his mom and dads lifeless bodies.
~~~~~~~End Flashback~~~~~~~~

Ciel didn't understand how you could love someone's parents but not the child. No one ever took notice of him and the ones that did bullied him out of jealousy of his beauty. Ciel looked up at a tree; it's leaves leaves reminding him of the stories the elders told, and the warnings they told in an eerie tone.

All the wolfs are warned about the "border" that held something so mean and monstrous the wolf's were banned from going over so everyone stayed clear of the edge of the woods. To keep sure that the wolfs didn't cross they made a line where the border was with leaves. The line stretched miles and miles.
Sometimes other wolfs don't think anything if it, sense the wolfs hunt, their first instinct is to kill. So they were pretty proud of themselves but even with their gloats no one has ever crossed the border.

Ciel was feeling depressed as he walked through the woods dirt, leaves, and even blood in his fur from the bullying that clearly goes way to far. Ciel unintentionally walked closer and closer to the border as thoughts raced through his mind, 'why do I get all the hate it's their fault my dumb parents. They abandoned me I don't deserve this, it's all their FAULT!' He started crying as he caught up with his words regretting everyone of them realizing he was a long way from home.

Ciel looked around seeing no one and hearing nothing even with his remarkable hearing and eye sight. 'Where am I?' he thought as he looked at a leaf line on the dirt where he stood. He automatically knew where he was, the border. He was confused because past the leaf line it just looked like more forest. He thought 'a monster huh. 'Well they won't miss me I rather cross this line and die than stay in this place I call hell' as he stared at the line. Ciel was scared but all of that was overpowered by a need to leave, to get away.

Ciel stepped one foot after another slowly over the line, walking into what looked like a city but small enough to be a town. Cars bustled down streets as horns honked and people sped. There was one highway and behind it was a small wood then behind that was the "city-town".

Ciel was scared considering he has never been in the human world but his passion of getting away won again. Ciel kept walking when he stepped on glass. He didn't really worry because his paws were padded until it started to hurt...really...bad. Ciel freaked when he was startled by a scream. That scream was...his?

Ciel looked over himself staring at the human body he now had. He was butt naked and had a small build. He was skinny with his short but sparkling hair that was the same color of his fur.

He didn't think anything about the nakedness until he saw two teen girls walking down the side of the highway. They looked his way as they giggled at what they saw. Ciels' face turned guarded as he leaped to attack the girls, the only thing running through his mind, kill. He bit through one girls neck with his still sharp teeth as her friend screamed and ran as fast as she could. She was gone, so Ciel didn't bother with running after her.

Ciel looked at the corpse as he stared curiously into the face frozen with fear. He looked at the clothes she was wearing and back at him.

Considering wolfs speak through mind Ciel is very intelligent than most humans. Acknowledging the concept of clothes Ciel took the black shirt that had the word NAUGHTY in big bold red letters plastered on it, the skinny jeans that fit like regular jeans on him, and the black high tops with a heel inside. He took them off the girl and put them on. He stared at his feet as he put on the shoes.

Guarded and cautious Ciel went through the tiny wood and into the "city-town" that followed.

(Ciels POV)
I walked through the people, all of them blinded by something in their hand with a light coming out of it. I didn't pay any attention to them but made sure they paid no attention to me. I saw a building. It's glass windows showed me moving pictures on a rectangle that showed moving pictures. There were many of them. The pictures were of a forest. 'I knew forests',I thought, so I walked inside.
Oops cliffhanger the worst. The next chapter will be about Sebastian. Hope you liked it. Please comment what you think! 💙

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