Unknown: Knowlegde of Love and Pain

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(Sebastian's POV)
After showering Ciel, for the second time, I decided I should talk to him, figure out why he's here.

I looked at Ciel, who was sitting on my bed, on his knees, watching SpongeBob again. I went to him and sat beside him. I watched him scoot back from me, still into the show.

"Hey" I got his attention, as he turned his head, slowly, to face me "why are you here?" I said it, slowly and, smoothly to help him understand.

He stared at me for a couple of minutes before forcing out some words, "Hope...Shelter" he said.

He must have been trying to get away from something. I was curious as to what.

"Why do you want that? What's wrong?" I asked with a rushed and worried tone.

He stared at me for a couple of seconds this time and said "hurt".

I stared at him as he turned back to look at the TV, that was now making that annoying signature SpongeBob laugh.

I took Ciels hand, and watched him hiss at the action. He then calmed down and I squeezed his hand, then let go.

I started to walk out the room, when I heard the bed creek and I looked back. I saw Ciel about three inches away from me with curiosity in his shiny eyes. I walked further, hearing him follow. I walked to the couch downstairs and sat down, Ciel still following. I looked at him, confused.

"Everything Okay?" I asked. Ciel nodded and stared at me.
"Do you want something?" Ciel shook his head at my question and continued to stare. I squinted my eyes at him and finally got to the point "why are you staring at me?" He finally made a move, and turned his eyes.

"H-Help. Y-You help." Ciel stuttered.

"With what?" I asked. Even though I'm sure it was something internal.

"Hope. Y-You." He forced himself to say.

With his premature use of words, I couldn't understand him, but I think most of it was because I didn't know him, and how am I to get to know someone who doesn't know them self.

I looked at him, my features crinkled with confusion, also accompanied by pain, in knowing that I knew he needed me, but why and how? It hurt me that I couldn't help.

(Ciels POV)
"I don't understand" says the crimson man.

The pain in his tone was so noticeable, I flinched at how much hurt stained his voice.
But he didn't understand that what he had to do was so easy, that I can't do it myself.

He was there, the only thing there, the only creature that was there. All he had to do was stay.

"Help...me. There. You...there. S-S-Stay" I tried to say. I knew he had finally caught it when his eyes lit up.

I know I haven't known him long, my heart could be broken in any second, but I'm desperate, dare I say, I need...anyone.

"O-okay" the crimson man stuttered. Then I knew I didn't know his name.

"N-nam" I said softly.

He chuckled at my failed attemp to speak but answered, with honesty, trust, and care "Sebastian."



Days passed and those days turned into weeks, and weeks into months. I learned more about Sebastian, and he learned more about me. He always sounded and looked hurt when I told him about my painful past, but he cheered me up, and he did as well seeing me smile.

Save me from the UNKNOWN (Modern SebaCiel AU)Where stories live. Discover now