Unknown: Unexplained Anger

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-Ciel's POV-
Sebastian carried me to the car, and practically threw me into the seat after opening the door. He got in as well, hovering over me and closed the door.
Putting his hands back on my shoulders with the same deadly grip. He took a deep breath and spoke again, "Ciel, did you kill the women at the restaurant! Yes or no!" He spat out. It wasn't even I question anymore, it was a demand.

If I answer yes he'll be even more pissed. If I answer no, I would be lying and if he found out he would be even more pissed than me saying yes.

I turned my head so my cheek rested on the leather back of the cars seat. Sebastian was yelling now. I don't like being yelled at.

-3rd POV-
Ciel couldn't look at Sebastian, he avoided eye contact every chance he got. It wouldn't last long considering Sebastian would pull his chin to look back at him.

Ciel didn't want to get hit or even worse have Sebastian mad at him forever.

"Ciel did you kill her!" Sebastian continued to yell at Ciel in a hard, demanding tone. His eyes started to blink between bright red and his normal color slowly. His nerves were shown on his neck, getting angrier and angrier with each silent nothing that came from Ciel.

The bluenette looked down at his lap that Sebastian was hovering over in the enclosed space they had in the seat of the car. There was no point in lying now, he's been silent for too long. If he lied he'd be in more trouble and he didn't want that. Ciel took a ragged breath in and the truth poured out in a crying yell, "I got mad! I didn't want to! I'm so sorry! It won't happen again I promise! I shouldn't have! You told me not to! I'm a bad boy! Please forgive me! Please!"

Sebastian stared at the crying boy who begged for forgiveness. Wether he begged or not...he'd have to be punished.

-Sebastian's POV-
I took a deep breath in and let it out of my nose. My shirt was soaked from the tears that fell from Ciel's eyes as he dug his head into my chest. I patted his head lightly, glad he told the truth. I held him and turned so he was now sitting in my lap, facing me.

He looked up at me, his big round eyes looking into my soul, as they glittered with guilt and hope.

"I forgive you," I said. I'll have to ask more questions but he is a child, I should have been watching him better. But I also told him not to.

Ciel smiled brightly, mouth open, and hugged me tight. "Thank you!"

I smiled at him and turned him down so his stomach was laying across my thighs. He looked back at me, curiosity overcoming his excitement. I put my hand up, eyes glowing a bright red, a smile still plastered on my face as I brung my hand down to make contact with Ciel's butt with more strength than any animal could conjure. A shrieking cry ripped from his throat as a repeated my actions over again, knowing his bottom side would be red for a couple of weeks.

Yelling at him in anger and at myself for truly forgiving him as I spanked him with demon strength, hearing his cries. "I told you not to! It doesn't matter how you felt at the time, I said no! You do it again and this is the least I'll do, do you understand me?! Do you understand?!"

Ciel nodded, screaming an ear piercing "yes," my hand finally giving in and resting on Ciel's butt. I then pulled him back up; he embraced me in a tight hug, surprising me. The tears that stained his cheeks, the snot that rolled down his nose, the redness of his puffy eyes and cheeks, they painted a very nice picture. One that would remind him not to disobey me. If I was going to teach him he needs to know how to listen.

Ciel then let go of me, hugging me no longer and said for the last time, "I'm sorry."

I hummed and got out the car, walking back to the station as Ciel, who was wiping his eyes and still sniffling followed me. Once we got back into the building I watched Ciel walk back into the play room rubbing his 'tush', as he likes to call it. I chuckled and walked back to an office of mine to get ready for our next news report, 'Mysterious death of Ran-Mao in front of restaurant.'

I started writing my report for the deaths and also some notes, keep Ciel content.

-Ciel's POV-
'My tush still stings. He didn't have to use so much strength. Hm, I deserved in anyway. I knew I shouldn't have but I got so angry! I don't even know why. At least now I know what's in store for me if I do it again.'

"Hey give that back!" I boasted as I stole back a toy truck a one-year old took from my hand. She started to cry, her momma picking her up and glaring at me. I glared back and turned to keep playing with my truck. I refused to sit down because of the electrifying pain that still surged through both of my tush cheeks so I played on my knees.

I wonder if it's even that red. I thought for a minute then pulled my underwear and pants down, looking at my back side. Everyone in the room scoffed and walked out, some yelling at me before they left. I grimaced at how red it was. A tomato would be the same shade. Some hand marks were present as well.

I pulled both items of clothing back up and kept playing, glad to be alone.

As I ran the truck over everything in the room, making vroom sounds, I noticed Sebastian looking at me through the glass wall. His arms were crossed and his brows furrowed.
I realize now that punishment might be a common thing for me now.
Hope you all enjoyed!

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