Unknown: Kisses

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-Ciel's POV-

"Sebastian it's time to go come on!" I yelled. Sebastian was reluctant to go but I wanted to make sure it didn't get too late.

"Noooooo," he whined, reaching for the glass as I pulled him.

I sighed and threw him over my shoulder. This werewolf strength comes in handy.

"Put me down! Ciel this is unfair!"
He kicked and yelled until I finally dropped him before a dent could appear on my back.

"Sebastian you're acting childish. You're suppose to take care of me, not the other way around! You've had to much to drink."

He paused for a second, guilt crossing his face. He stood up slowly, wobbling on his way up but he succeeded.

"I'm sorry. You're right." He reached out his hand, ready to go.

I smiled and grabbed his pale fingers, watching him quickly grab another drink before we actually left.

We got to the car and immediately my mind started to race.

'I can't drive and Sebastian is in no condition to. If we walk and leave the car till tomorrow one of these sickos would surely steal or damage such an expensive thing.'

As I thought, I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked up, that face quickly calming me.

"I'm a demon! I can drive a car, even drunk!"

Even though he was unecessarily yelling, his smile was so reassuring I almost agreed. I shook my head, not letting him get to me.

"No, if I let you and you get hurt, I don't know how I'll live with myself."

I heard him chuckle before I was, as fast as lighting, thrown into the car. Before I could gather my thoughts about what just happen the engine and my seatbelt were on. At least he's sane enough to make sure I'm okay. I say I, because he clearly didn't bother to put his own seatbelt on.

Before speeding off, with a drunk at the wheel, I got a quick glimpse at the three ladies that we spoke (I fought) with at the beginning of this trip. Elizabeth, Grell, and Hannah. I then was, unfortunately, snapped back to the present by a whooping Sebastian.

He was drifting at a straight street. I kicked his leg, hard, earning a babyish whine.

"Ooooowwww," he cried, straightening out the car.

"How do you act like a baby when drunk? This is ridiculous," I sighed.

"I can act however you want me to," he smiled.

"An adult would be nice."

Sebastian instantly straightened his back, eyes forward. He gripped the wheel and quickly got on the right side of the road to turn towards the woods his house was suspiciously in.

I was impressed. I've never seen someone change so fast. It made me giggle.

"Thank you Sebastian," I chortle.

He looked at me with a pride filled smile. I let him get away with it since he assured a safe ride.

We thankfully got home safely, (for the most part). Even when sober, Sebastian loves to speed.

He picked me up, walking up the stairs with me in his arms.

"Sebastian, why are you holding me?" I laughed, I loved when he held me, not that I was complaining.

"Maybe I just want to hold my baby. Is that a crime?" He an eyebrow with a questioning look.

I pfted. Of course it's not a crime.

Sebastian started to undress while going up said stairs. The multitasking was on point.

I bit my lip, choosing my words carefully after the last time I asked for this.

"Sebastian? Kisses?"

He turned his head towards me, throwing me on the bed that I didn't know was behind me yet. I wasn't paying attention to our progress up the stairs. After bouncing two times he crawled on top of me and started to pepper my face in light, soft kisses. One's I loved so much.

He then grabbed his phone and put on 'Ocean Eyes'. A song that reminded him of my own eyes, a song he claimed was his favorite.

I smiled at the little of reminder of me and watched him close the door to the bathroom he eventually took a shower in.

I walked to the door and cracked it. I watched the misty figure inside the shower doors that would take large amounts of examining to even know it was a person, as it showered. My body calmed and my mind went serene as I listened to Sebastian smoothly hum to the already placid song. I wouldn't have been ripped out of my thoughts and hastily closed the door if I didn't hear Sebastian gently sigh after a minute of me standing there awkwardly with my eyes closed.

I breathed in deeply and forced my feet to my own room, sitting on my blue sheet covered bed.

Save me from the UNKNOWN (Modern SebaCiel AU)Where stories live. Discover now