Unknown: Unwanted Guest

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I am so tired, sorry about this chapter If not good enough.
I promised him that I would make it up to him, so I did. We're going to a Nite Club? Whatever it is, the person with the ticket said it was fun so I hope he'll like it. This is going to be great.

I waited for Sebastian to get off of work. I said no to going so I could think of ways to pay him back.
I was jumping around, way to hyper for life right now.
It's taking to long for him to get back! I sighed in frustration and twirled and twirled around, trying to find a way to let out my built energy.
Hearing the lock jiggle like always, I jumped up and ran downstairs with my two tickets. 'This is going to be awsome!' I thought.

I jumped into a mans arms and swung him around, my eyes closed with glee, until a new pair of arms grabs me by the waist and pulls me back. I look up at what the pair of arms were connected to to see Sebastian looking at me with a frown. If Sebastian grabbed me, who in hell's name was I swinging?

I looked up to see another man. He seems much older than Sebastian, barely has hair on his head. Wrinkles all over his face, and a gut the size of a pregnant elephant. (This is totally just how Ciel would describe any other man that's not Sebastian.)

My eyes went wide knowing I had hugged and swung around such a creature. I jumped up on Sebastian's neck, relieved to feel Sebastian again. I wrapped my arms around his neck and put my face in his hair, breathing in each scent that radiated off of it.

-Sebastian's POV-
I drove home with the man in the passengers seat, grimacing at his smell. Once we got to the house I refused to touch him and opened up the door. Being a gentleman, I let the man go in first until he was attacked by a Ciel hug. I frowned, not wanting Ciel to even be near him.

I wrapped my arms around Ciel's waist and pulled him back into my embrace. Ciel looked totally startled, tears even pricked his eyes when he knew he hugged this man. Jumping on my head in disgust, Ciel almost choked me to death and buried his head in my hair. I could feel the little whiffs he was taking, trying to make my natural smell linger in his nose.

We walked in the house after hearing me chuckle from Ciel's quick change in emotion. I watched the man intently as well, I know this man, he's a bad man.

We all sat down on the couch, knowing I'll have to wash the cushions after this.
The man was utterly revolting, you would think he was homeless if he wasn't wearing such attire. It was a velvet robe with a Jaguar print on the bottom, covering a random black T-Shirt. He also had on very tiny Jean shorts.

Even Ciel was grimacing, I didn't want him to endure.

"Ciel go upstairs, turn the TV on for you." I said gently, patting his head and rubbing his stomach for a little before he went. Rubbing his stomach calms any icky feeling.

Turning my attention back to the man, I see him watching Ciel intently as he walked upstairs. I pushed his thigh with my fingers to turn his attention, succeeding as he turned to face me again.

He eyed me, up and down, head to toe, like a man would his painting. I smiled and got right into it, wanting to get this over with quickly.

"Well, you said you wanted to talk. Which story am I doing again? Also sorry about Ciel, he thought I was alone." I rushed my words, putting all the questions and statements in one.

"Right, well there is one about a man found dead in the woods. I would like you to do it personally. And don't worry, he's a doll~," He presented, eyeing me one more time.

His voice. God damn his voice...is horrible! It's like insane, mixed with a grown man trying to be a child. It was rough and he tried to make himself sound younger. Each time he tried to make it smoother his voice cracked, like he desired something that he worked for through voice. He was trying to hard and it's not working for him. The only reason he's here is because I take my work very seriously!

Taking deep breaths, trying to calm me from this horrible man, I finally speak. "Why me?"

He thought for a minute, eyeing me another time. He put his hand on my thigh and looked me in the eyes. As he did his eyes got wider, showing his dull, crazy eyes, and yet they were bright. Excitement, Desire, Happiness, they were all there.

"I'm working on that one and I saw your reporting, I would love for you to do it with me," he semi whispered, as he rubbed my thigh smiling.

I looked at the hand on my thigh, then him. I smiled brightly and slowly put his hand on his own leg. I may be a demon but human form is a little weak, they need to breath, that's why I started turning blue. Each word that came out of that mans mouth was like rotten eggs and spoiled milk.

Quickly but subtly I shooed him out the room, finally being able to breath again. I ran quickly upstairs, grabbed Ciel who was sitting on the floor because he knows better than to sit on my bed after that encounter, and we both got in the bath, scrubbing hard.
We even washed each other's backs, half of the reason is because Ciel begged to.

Ciel then, after a minute, jumped up, his face getting brighter with each second past.
"Sebastian I have a surprise for you! It's an I'm sorry gift!" He yelled.
More action in next chapter!

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