Unknown: Company

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This chapter was longer than normal. Hope you like it. Sorry for grammar mistakes. I applaud to every SebaCiel shipper THANK YOU, ENJOY! 💙💜🖤❤️
(Sebastians POV)
I walked up to the non-human. He looked lost. He moved with jolting moves, like he was ready to pounce the first person that touched him.

I tried to get his attention by waving my hand in his face and saying hello, Yeah big mistake. He grabbed my arm and twisted it so it broke. I felt no pain. My demon strength allows that. I was surprised that he could brake my arm so easily. I looked around and quickly snapped it back into place. I could tell he was confused. He looked at my arm, like a kid tasting ice cream for the first time.

He definitely wasn't human. I remained silent but touched his shoulder and he immediately jumped back. We were attracting to much attention. It sure is amazing, and rare, to see to gorgeous men on the street. I took his arm tightly, him trying to bite it off in the process. I moved my arm just the right way though so he couldn't tear any flesh. I pulled him into the dark alley next to the building we were standing at, a mini Walmart. He walked back against the cold brick wall. I could tell he was afraid and also angry.

I put my hand out slowly and carefully. He sniffed it than took a step closer to me, so he could get a better sniff of my arm. After he did he went stepped back again, his back side hitting the concrete brick.

I didn't know which creature he was until I saw his ears, that were the same shiny color of his hair. They popped up when he heard a car crash, that I could also here from, maybe a mile away.
Such a beautiful werewolf.

"Its Okay. I won't hurt you." I try to calm him down. He says nothing but opens and closes his mouth trying to say something. I don't think he knew any words. I know from experience that wolves talk with mind to each other. I wonder why he's here anyway.

I looked into his eyes for a better communication. As soon as I did I left my stance of proof, I was trying not to be dominate. He automatically launches his teeth at me, so I went back.
What I couldn't understand was how could such eyes hold so much emotion. Th ones I could see was fear, anger, relief,...but also sadness. But all of them, make his eyes so much more wonderful.

"It's okay" I feel like I need him to trust me. I know he can't talk but I do know he understands. I put my hand out in front of him, palm up. Hoping he would take it as a sign of safety. It wasn't safe for him to be in the human world with nothing to guide him.
He was very small, I'm guessing he's an only child, he seemed lonely.

After a minute of me repeating it's okay and him slowly losing his cautious stance. I hear a low growl come from the small, 'non-human'. He looked down at his stomach placing an arm around it and using his other hand to cover his mouth. I could tell, he was hungry.

He finally took his hand off his mouth and stared deep into my non-existent soul. He pointed at his open mouth with plead and greed. He totally forgot that I was suppose to be a predator to him. I nod my head and speak softly and quietly "I have food, I know what you want you just have to come with me." He looked me up and down before nodding to what was spoken to him. I lead him down the street to my car.

I open the door for him but when I did he jumped back and hissed at the vehicle. "It's okay" I try to reassure him "this goes to food. It's a car." I tried to make my words simple for him, but with the wolves intelligence I knew I really didn't need to.

He slowly got in the car, crawling in head first and knees digging into the leather, then followed his feet. I chuckled at the way he got in, like a five-year old trying to get in. I close the door carefully watching him jump at the sudden slam. I opened my side and got in the adult way, feet then head. I put the keys in the ignition, pulled the joy stick, stepped on the petal and drove off the whole time me staring at the clueless non-human.

Save me from the UNKNOWN (Modern SebaCiel AU)Where stories live. Discover now