Meet the Red Demon

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Sorry this was a day late. I had testing in school and there were some problems with the computers. Yeah I got mad and had to vent so it took time. Okay sorry let's get into it. ❤️
(Sebastian POV)
I rushed into work, late as always. Everyone stared at me for a second as I walked in then quickly turned their heads. I looked at all the TVs crowding the lobby of the building of Channel 1 news. I ran to my office after staring at them for awhile.

I started gathering my things to go to the crew members that were already on TV. I was suppose to be there already but I was um...busy...eating a soul. Anyways, I got my satchel and ran out at my demon speed to the place they were filming.

It was a beach. Everyone was scattered. I unwillingly, walked toward my boss, Ms.Elizabeth Midford. I knew she was going to give me a lecture, but it was cut short when the camera man called my name, indicating it was time for me to get in front of the camera.

I know I was only hired for my face, because I am super unreliable.

I took the mic and started talking into it about today's boring news. I knew I was going to be bored out of my mind when I saw the words crossing the TV in the lobby say "Turtle eggs hatching". Our news is suppose to be cool not about turtle eggs. Some people may like it but the people that watch Channel 1 News do not.

I started talking about what season and what day it was. The whole time girls squealing in the background looking at me or waving their hands to get on tv. I could feel myself rolling my eyes as I heard them and their rambling to each other.

*After filming*
God it's hot out here. I walked to the umbrella set up for us at the van. I watched to girls run up to me giggling as I took a swig of water immediately spitting it out. Ha forgot I was a demon, hehe. That's what I get for trying to be casual. Then, the girls stopped, right in front of my face. Dear. God. I can smell the 2.99 they spent on clams and margaritas. It's disgusting!

"H-hello!" The gingered haired...boy? out of the pair yells only centimeters from my face. I back up. "My names Grell" he says. "Sebastian" I say clearly annoyed. I guess not clearly enough though, considering the other one started talking. "I'm Hannah. As you can tell I'm the pretty one." That made me internally laugh cause if I had to choose, it wouldn't be her. "No I am" Grell argues. "Ha you wish" Hannah scoffs. "Good thing I was the star" Grell shoots back. Eventually they get into a cat fight while I walked away, pinching my nose.

~~~~~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~~~~~
I finally get home after hours of boring crap no one cares about. Yep my day usually goes like this everyday.

I walk into my three story house and scan the spotless room that had no one in it, and had no one in it, accept me, for 3 years. I plop down on my sofa and as soon as I do get bored. I thought I would let it pass but then I got restless. Crap I always have to be doing something. Demons have so much energy. So I get up grab my keys and walk out the door I just walked in.

I look at a sign that said fair in a week on a billboard on the side of the sidewalk.
I've never been to a fair, can't be that bad. I guess I'll wait till next week. I keep walking till I get to one store called "Tribes and Wolf Packs." It's a store this old man owns. It mostly consists of books and artifacts of wolfs, werewolf's, and Native Americans. Yes all that stuff is real I'm a demon myself, but all the information in the books he sells and the information he gives himself, is all wrong! It pisses me off. He even says he is apart of the tribe. At least he thought. He doesn't even know anything about it.

Even with my frustration I go in there anyway because...I like the figurines. Hehe. "Hello" says the old man, Tanaka. I reply with a hello and kept walking. Me and interacting do not go together. Because what's the point. Humans, their fragile and liars. They bend and brake so easily it's sad. Just like me and looking at these damn figurines.
My eyes just kept wondering over the clay statues until I saw one particular one. I picked it up and stared at it in aw. I don't know what's so different about this one. After a while I finally see it.

You can tell in his eyes he's in pain but it shows. He doesn't hide it, but also tries to cover it up, so beautiful. The statue shows his fur flowing in the wind. And the moon reflecting off his eyes. My hand brushes over the statue once more and I stand it back on the shelf. Now that's no human.
I want to buy it but then again....

After I bought the statue I started walking back to my car. I parked it further away on purpose so it takes me longer to get to my boring house. I walk a little slower when I realized I got one third of the way in two minutes.

After I got half way I saw people staring, or taking pictures of something or someone. I walk fast to the corner the ruckus is coming from to see...nothing? If it's nothing what are people obsessing over. Then someone walks around a car.

He was slow and looked like he hadn't walked in years. But I can tell why they were obsessed. He. Was. Beautiful. The small boy had a grey-blue color hair. In a messy style making it even better. He looked dirty but his features overlapped all of his flaws. He had big bright eyes. It was weird because they actually had the pattern of the ocean in them. They were really dilated.

He looked confused from my point of view he was very cautions of everyone that's for sure. He had his arms crossed over his stomach which indicated he was hungry. The outfit he was wearing didn't look like him but I won't judge. I thought for a minute and his posture reminded me of the statue of the wolf I bought. I took it out and put it by my eyes and the comparison was unbelievable. You could tell the boy is in pain.
Sorry for grammar mistakes. Follow NoNamedWriter42 and Determined_Taco thank you! Hope you liked it.🖤

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