Day dreams

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[Y/N] your name
[H/N] horse name
[Y/P] your pronouns
[E/C] eye colour
[F/C] favorite colour
Italic text: day dream

You wake up with your hair covered in hay. Maya was looking at you. "Good morning" she says. You turn over "five more minutes!". You say in a raspy voice. She taps your shoulder. "Can you stop~" you say in a whiney yet tired voice. She doesn't stop and just keeps on tapping your shoulder. You shoot up and sit right up. "Happy now?" You say with a cheeky smile since you noticed Maya was surprised by you jolting up. She nods.

Maya sits next to you. "So, what time are we going to the fortune tellers tent?" You think for a while. "How about in the evening?" I suggest. She smirks "Why so late? Are you planning to stay the night?" Your face got bright red. "STOP MAYA! ITS NOT LIKE THAT!" She bursts out laughing. "YOUR FACE! HAHAHA" she keeps on laughing, and you cover your face. "No, it's just a nice ride to nilmers highland." You make clear to her. She shrugs her shoulders "Okay then".

You stand up and she follows quickly after. She starts wobbling on her feet. "Soo~ what do we do now?". She says in an awkard tone. You shrug your schouders. "I don't know, we could do our chores, or hang out with the soul riders?" You suggest, she nods  enthusiastically.

Maya grabs the shovel and starts mucking the stalls. Meanwhile you give the horses water and hay. After a while both of you are done. "Should I get the tack?" Maya suggests, you nod your head yes and sit down on the hay bale again.

Cue day dream~
Ydris was standing infront of you, holding out his hand. It was raining, and god the rain was romantic. You heard a thunderclap and jumped into his arms. He smiles down at you and caresses your cheek, he leans in

"Hello? Jorvik to Y/N" Maya was waving her hand infront of your face, you snap back into reality. "Oh i got distracted!" You quickly excuse yourself. She has that cheeky smile again, you ignore it. You walk over to H/N and Maya hands you his/her tack. She quickly tacks up Lynx and you tack up H/N.

Maya rides over to you "are you done yet?" She asks you in an inpatient tone. You nod as you hop on your horse. Both of you start riding in the direction of Alex's home. Maya smiles at you "So what was distracting you earlier?" She says. You shake your head "It was nothing, really!" You say back. She doesn't believe you but she lets it slide.

You arrive at Alex's house and Maya knocks on the door. Alex opens and greets Maya with a big hug, then walks over to you and hugs you too. "It's great to see you Y/N" she says happily. Alex invites both of you in and you go upstairs to her room. You notice Alex and Maya wearing matching necklaces. "Awh how cute" you say as you point it out. They both blush and look the other way.

"Anyways, what do you two wanna do?" Alex asks, changing the subject. Maya thinks for a while. "We could go to the beach?" Maya says in a suggestive tone. You nod and so does Alex. "I didn't expect us to go to the beach, so I don't have my bathing suit". You say, Alex makes an "ah" sound. "Well we will first go to moorland stables then".

You go outside with Alex and Maya following you, all of you get on your horse and you start riding again. You stretch out your arms. "Did you sleep okay?" Alex asks you as you yawn. You nod your head. Maya shakes her head, adding to the conversation "No we slept in a hay bale." She says. Alex bursts out laughing. You continue riding and you see moorland stables infront of you.

Alex waits outside as you and Maya go inside to get the bathing suits. While looking for your suits you start joking around "So, what did you feel when Alex hugged you?" You say as you grab a towel from the shelf. She mumbles something under her breath. "I couldn't hear you" you say in a teasing tone. "BUTTERFLIES!" she blurts out and immediately covers her mouth, her cheeks going red. You make a "HA" sound, because you knew you were right about them. "Come on let's head back to Alex" Maya suggests.

"What took you guys so long?" Alex says jokingly. You start riding over to fort pinta, the beach there was perfect.

~Cue day dream
You were standing, looking at the stars. The cold breeze of the wind crashing against your body. You feel someone's arms wrap around you from behind. "Hello dove" he says as he rests your head on your shoulder. "Hi Ydris" you say turning your head back to him

"EARTH TO Y/N?" Alex says in a loud tone, you snap back immediately. Maya heard something but she didn't want to say what. I must've accidentally said something out loud. You slap your forehead. All of you arrive at the beach and Maya immediately goes and jumps in the water. Quickly followed by Alex, who first had to go on the diving plank. She dives and i shout "THAT'S A PERFECT 10!" She laughs but it's muted by the splashing. You then drop your towel and run in the water.

You start playing and splashing the water in eachothers face. "Truth or dare?" Alex says looking at you. "Truth" you say. No second thoughts. She thinks "Do you have a crush?". You groan "Alex, since when are you into this stuff?" She smirks "I don't know, so tell me is *Alex since when are you into this stuff* a nice person?" She says teasing you and eventually laughing. "I-" you don't finish your sentance.

~Cue day dream~
You smell something good, pancakes. A purple smoke appears infront of you. Ydris bents down and caresses your cheek. "Little dove, let's eat some breakfast, okay?" He says in a generous tone. You hold out your hand

You feel Alex slap your hand. "Why are you holding out your hand like that?"

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