Cottage at the top of the mountain

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[Y/N] your name
[H/N] horse name
[Y/P] your pronouns
[E/C] eye colour
[F/C] favorite colour
"I like the sound of that!" Lisa blurted out. "What are their powers?" I asked Linda. "The music rune can make the person using it play a tune to manipulate others emotions" Linda answered. "And the lightning rune makes Alex stronger" Linda added. "Ooh really!" Alex said as she made grabbing motions towards the rune. "These runes sound dangerous" I stated. "We should find a better hiding place for them" Anne added.

"I agree" Linda said. "Alright then, Alex and Maya can you both hide it?" Anne asked them. "Sure! Don't worry about a thing" Alex said and Maya nodded. Linda handed Alex the rune stones. "Make sure you're not being followed" Linda added. They both mounted their horses and went in the direction of the stone circle.

"[Y/N] are you going to stay at my place again?" Anne asked me politely. "Yes! Of course, can Linda and Lisa stay too?" I asked as I looked at them. Linda's face lift up and Lisa smiled. "Sure! It will be fun" Anne answered. "YAY!" Me, Linda and Lisa cheered out.

I looked at my wrist to check the time. Oh right I didn't have my watch. "Hey can any of you tell me what time it is?" I asked the group. "Why? Don't you have a watch?" Anne asked me. "Not anymore" I answered. "I wonder why" Lisa said and Linda nudged her. I looked them straight in the eyes. "Haha funny" i replied with a forced smile. "Is there something you guys aren't telling me?" Anne asked us. Linda and Lisa shook their heads. "Alright then."

"It's 14.40" Anne said. "Okay, thank you for telling me." I replied. "What do you guys wanna do?" I asked. "Well, we could do boring soul rider stuff or-" Linda got cut off by Lisa "LET'S GO TO STARSHINE!" We all looked at Lisa. "Come on! It'll be fun" she said as she dropped her hands to the side of her body. "I'm in!" Anne yelled out. "I guess I'll come too" Linda said sighing. She wasn't the country girl type. "Great! I'll lead" Lisa said in an excited tone.

"Shouldn't we change first?" Linda asked. "Do you guys have western clothing here?" Lisa asked raising an eyebrow. Linda shook her head. "Well, I do have it at my place, so like i said, I'll lead." All of us mounted our horses and we started riding in the direction of Starshine Ranch. Anne and Lisa were in front and Linda and I were behind them. "Does Lisa know?" Linda whispered to me. "Mhm! She took it well" I answered. "That's great, how about Anne? She seemed clueless." I sighed "Well I haven't gotten the chance to tell her, she has had quite a bad past with him". I looked back up again incase Anne heard me. "What are you guys talking about~" I heard Lisa say as she turned around her head. "Nothing!" I blurted out.

"I'm starting to feel like nothing is a person" Anne said in a suspicious tone. "No no! He- I mean, it isn't a person" I looked at the ground, I could feel Anne smirking. "Okay if you say so" she replied. We arrived at the bridge that was in between Firgrove and Silverglade. "We're almost there guys!" Lisa let out a big relieved sigh. "Come on, let's head down this path."

We were going in a different direction than we normally would. We went up a tall mountain and at the top was a little cottage. I could see all of Jorvik from up here. "Wow, this is amazing!" I said as I twirled around, looking at all the sights. Linda nudged my shoulder and pointed at a certain direction. "Nilmers Highland!" I said happily. Anne went to sit on the edge, her feet dangling. "Why didn't we come up here sooner!" She blurted out. "Because we're always busy with soul rider meetings" Linda answered. "Touché." Anne lied down on the cold rock.

"If I'm correct then there should be some clothes here." Lisa said as she walked into the cottage. I followed behind her. Anne and Linda stayed outside. "Ah, here it is!" Lisa said as she opened the doors of an old closet. "Why would we need plates and cups?" I asked. "Wrong closet!" She answered back, she walked over to a different closet. This one was more modern. She opened the doors and the floor creaked a little. In the closet was a bunch of western clothing. "You can pick what ever you like!" I immediately went to look at the flannels. I chose a [F/C] flannel and a pair of blue jeans. "You'll also need boots and a hat smartass." I looked at all the different types of cowboy hats. I chose a [F/C] hat and [F/C] boots.

"Okay great! You can change in the room at the end of the hallway. I'll go fetch Anne and Linda" Lisa said and I nodded in response. The cottage was pretty old since everything creaked and you could hear the wind whistling through the walls. I ended up at the end of the hallway. I opened the door and locked it behind me. I quickly changed and when i stepped out i saw the riders waiting for me. Lisa was wearing a red themed outfit, Anne was wearing an outfit with a pink theme and Linda had a purple theme going on.

"Let's head back to the horses and ride over to Starshine" Anne said cheerfully. We headed outside and mounted our horses. The ride back down was a lot harder than going up. Eventually we arrived in Starshine.

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