The Truth. [Alex]

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[Y/N] your name
[H/N] horse name
[Y/P] your pronouns
[E/C] eye colour
[F/C] favorite colour
[F/F] favorite food.
underlined italic text: memory.
I woke up in the middle of the night. I was all sweaty and looked over to the alarm clock. It read "02.00" why was I awake at such early hours? I shrugged it off and laid back down. I tossed and turned but I couldn't fall asleep again.
Anne was in a very deep sleep, I couldn't possibly wake her up. I stood up and stretched my arms. While looking around the room I noticed the ladder again. I walked over to it and without thinking twice I went down.
I tacked up my horse and rode over to Nilmers Highland.

Ydris was inside. Maybe he wouldn't notice me if I was really quiet. I dismounted my horse and tied him/her to a wooden fence. I walked over to the fortune teller tent not making any noise. I opened the curtains carefully, incase Ydris was in there. He wasn't. I stepped inside and touched the crystal ball. It lit up. I looked around the tent to see if I could find anything to help me. Why was I even doing this? I asked myself. Well, I wanted to know the truth of course. But was it really nesseracy?

I noticed something in the corner of my eye. It seemed to be a crumpled up piece of parchment paper. I opened the paper carefully. I didn't want to rip it. On the paper there was a drawn instruction manual on how to use the crystal ball. I sat down in Ydris' seat, placing the parchment on the table next to the ball. I could hear a faint sound of the rain. While glancing back and forth from the parchment to the ball I finally figured it out.

I took a deep breath. I had chosen to try the "In body" method. Meaning I would experience whatever Alex had experienced.  I took another deep breath. I was nervous and shaking. Did I really just, not only break into his tent but attempt to use his crystal ball for my own selfish purposes.
I tools the third and final deep breath.
Making the patterns with my fingers on the ball.

Alex's POV before [Y/N] came to Jorvik:

I had heard about a new magician in Jorvik. His name was still unknown. He seemed to be a normal magician. Nothing magical. I had talked to the other soul riders about him. But they all simply didn't care. Except for Anne. She was acting strange about it. I didn't really think about it too much.

I had decided to go to his circus alone. And when I arrived I was the only one. Nobody else was here, nobody else seemed interested. "Oh, hello there Sunshine." The man greeted me politely. "Where is everyone else?" I asked him. "Didn't show up, nobody seemed interested." He said while looked at me. I noticed his eyes. One was blue and the other was a darker purple colour. "Would you care for a reading?" He asked me. "A reading?" I said in a questioning tone. "Ah, follow me, I'll show you." We went into the tent and he placed his hands on the crystal ball. I placed mine on top of him. A small smile grew on his face.

"What is your name, mysterious man?" I asked him while looking him deep into his eyes. "Ydris."

From that moment on we were inseparable, we would do all kinds of shows and acts together. Untill one day.

"Can you stop seeing Ydris?" Anne had asked me. "What, why?" I asked her. Me and Ydris had been together for almost a year now. "I have to tell you something." She said while looking at the ground. She seemed upset and embarrassed. "Are you okay Anne?" I got a little worried. "Yes, I'm fine."

she told me everything. About her past with Ydris.

My smile had turned into a frown. "I can't believe that happened." I said while my breath started shaking. "What are you going to do?" Anne asked me. "I'm going to end things, he should never have treated you like this."He must've changed Alex, don't do this." Anne tried to convince me. It had already been too late.

Y/N pov:
I got sucked out of the memory. Tears started forming in my eyes. "They all knew why Alex acted the way she did." I whispered to myself. "They didn't even tell me." I wanted to run out of the tent. But, I couldn't. I sat there in silence while my breathing slowed down, and I felt at ease again.

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