Meeting with the soul riders.

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[Y/N] your name
[H/N] horse name
[Y/P] your pronouns
[E/C] eye colour
[F/C] favorite colour
Italic/bold text: phone call
Italic underlined text: messages

You wake up to the sound of your phone ringing.

Alex: where have you been Y/N?? You are an hour late, are you coming?
Y/N: shit! I forgot i overslept I'm so sorry!
Alex: well I'll give you an hour to come here, get changed if your still in your pajamas! *Laughing*
Y/N: haha yes I will! See you in a bit.

"Ydris" you whisper/shout in his ear. He wakes up "AAAH! you scared me dove!" He says cathing his breath. "I'm sorry~" you say while chuckling, in a slightly teasing tone. "I have somewhere to go Ydris." You tell him, your head was still resting on his shoulder as the warmth of the sun hit your skin. "I know dove, have fun" he says as he stands up. You follow quickly behind him. "Ydris where is [H/N]?" You ask him. He claps his hands "Xin! Bring [Y/P] horse!" He commands.

Xin comes out of a tent while leading your horse. He hands the ropes over to you. You nod your head and hop on your horse. You start riding away "Bye Ydris!" You say waving at him. "Dove you are wearing my coat still!" He shouts after you but you couldn't hear him.

You were riding down to moorland and notice you were wearing his coat. You quickly stop and go inside of your homestable. You had forgotten that everything was destroyed. You couldn't leave your coat here so you head to valedale. They will notice Ydris' coat though, i mean he is the only one in Jorvik who wears clothes like that. You wouldn't want the soul riders to find out you spent the night at Nilmers Highland. You arrive at the Hollow Woods and stop. You ride over to the burned down summer house and leave his coat there.

You notice the view, it looked peaceful.  The silver song river was glistening and you take a deep breath. You start riding to Valedale village. You were going to say hi to Elizabeth, buy you remembered the awful thing that happened to her.  "[Y/N]! You're finally here!" Alex calls out. You dismount your horse. And hug Alex "Hi girlie!" You say as you release from the hug.

"For the first time in forever you're on time!" She says relieved. You slightly chuckle out of embarrassment. She signs over to the entrance of the secret stone circle. You both walk there and all of a suddon you hear Anne shout something, both of you turn your heads around. "I found this in the forest" anne says while holding up ydris' coat, my face went red in an instant. "Is he planning something again!" Alex says in a worried and angry tone. "I don't know Alex, but we have to be careful" she says, i stood there in silence.

"[Y/N] are you going to say something?" Anne asks you. "W- we should bring it back!" You say while stuttering. "[Y/P] has/have lost [Y/P] mind!" Alex says while looking at anne. "i promise I haven't! But he promised not to hurt us." You say. You hear someone trotting behind you. "Linda!" Anne says, since she was standing infront of you she could see Linda. "Why are you holding the pandorians coat?" Linda asks Anne. "She found it in the forest" Alex says before Anne could answer herself. "What could it mean?" Linda asks Alex. "We don't know, but i don't trust it." She says still convinced her opinion was right about this. "I really do think we need to bring it back" i say again, hoping someone would agree with me this time.

"I agree with [Y/N]" Linda says. "Linda are you serious?" Alex asks her with an angry tone. "Yes I am! Maybe it means nothing, maybe he just forgot his coat here, who cares?" She says not breaking eye contact with Linda. "So much for a soul rider meeting" Lisa says as she finally arrives. "You guys are fighting over a pandorian infront of valedale stables? What is wrong with you all" it was clear that Lisa was neutral in this situation, and not picking sides. "Well the coat was found in valedale, it's next to the secret stone circle, he might know about it" Anne says. "we aren't taking any risks" Alex quickly followed after.

"Okay let me hear the argument from both sides." Lisa let's out a deep sigh as she says that. "well me and Linda think it's best to bring his coat back." I say. "Yeah well me and Anne agree that it's not the best thing to do because we can't trust him" Alex says while looking at you annoyed. "Both sides of the argument are valid, so because Alex doesn't trust the pandor-" i cut Lisa off "Can we just call him by his name?" I say slightly annoyed. "Okay" Lisa says in a suspicious tone. "Since Alex doesn't trust Ydris, Alex will come with [Y/N] and they will bring it back to him together." Lisa says finally ending the argument.

"Fine!" Both of us say annoyed. "Get your horse, we're leaving right now" Alex says as she takes the coat out of anne's hand. She gets on her horse and both of you start riding. "If he does anything to us it's your fault" she says. The rest of the ride was silent.

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