Do you want to know?

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[Y/N] your name
[H/N] horse name
[Y/P] your pronouns
[E/C] eye colour
[F/C] favorite colour
Italic text: day dream
Start daydream:
"Dove?" His voice called out. "Hello Ydris" you said back cheerfully. You hugged him and looked I'm in his beautiful mismatched eyes. "You're extraordinary" you said mesmerized. He chuckled and held your chin.
End daydream:

"Do you want to head inside?" Anne asked me. Patiently waiting for an answer. "Oh right! Of course, let's go" you said as you snapped out of your daydream. I kept thinking about him and i didn't know why, he was a bad person. He did lots of horrible things but i couldn't stop thinking about him.

"what are you thinking about [Y/N]?" Anne asked me, she noticed i kept zoning out. "Nobody!" I blurted out. "I never mentioned a person?" She said with a smirk on her face. I covered my face with my hands. "No- I- I'm thinking if nobody- i mean- nothing!" You kept stuttering and tripping over your words. "Okay you'll have to tell me about it tonight, but now we have to muck the stables" she said as she handed me a shovel.

I still have to apologize to Ydris. Or i could just distract myself again? But how, it's not like my horse is going to walk into the forest and dig up another stone. I let out a sigh. "What's wrong [Y/N]?" Anne asked me. "I want to distract myself from someone, i just don't know how" I told her. She looked at me. "Then don't" she said while having a generous smile. "What do you mean Anne?" I questioned. "Don't distract yourself, let it happen naturally" She said as she continued mucking the stables. "Thanks Anne!" I said while sighing of relief.

Her advice made me relax a little, and after a while we were done with mucking the stables. "Shall we go up to my room now?" She asked me. She had turned the hayloft into her room and it was pretty nice and cozy. "Yeah let's go!" I answered. And she took a ladder and we went up. She walked over to the closet and took out an inflatable mattress and a blanket. She placed it on the ground and i sat down on it.

"Okay you have to tell me about the person you keep dreaming about!" She squeeled and leaned in close to my face. "Well- I- uhm" you were a little bit uncomfortable. "I'm not telling you!" You blurted out and you ran around her room. She ran behind you. "If i catch you, you'll have to tell me [Y/N]!" She shouted as you went down the ladder. You looked around. I could take my horse. You thought to yourself. "[Y/N] don't you dare take your horse! That's cheating" she said as she tried to go down the ladder. You just stared running into the woods. It was night and you could hear crickets around you.

The grass was cold and wet, you were running around barefoot. "[Y/N]!" You heard Anne shout your name. "What is it Anne?" You shout back as she ran infront of you. She wasn't going to catch you, in fact she kept running forward. You follow her.

"Anne what did you see?" I asked her. "Look!" She said pointing at the ground. "Anne there is nothing here?" I said in a questioning tone. "Ah you're right" she said as she embraced me. "I caught you, now you'll have to tell me." She said as she threw me to the ground. We played down on the grass and looked up to the sky. "I'll tell you later, when we're back inside." I said. She sighed. "Boring! Tell me now!" She said excited. "Haha no I'm not going to do that" i said as i stood up again.

She followed quickly after and we walked back to the stables. "You'll have to tell me [Y/N] otherwise I'm going to remove the ladder and you'll be forced to tell me" she teased me. "Haha i dare you to try that" i said with a smirk. She nodded. "Oh don't test me!" She said chuckling maniacally. "What are you doing Anne?" You said as you had to hold in your laugh. "I am intimidating you! Am i not scary enough?" She pouted. And silence fell again.

"You wanted to know why I hate Ydris so much right.." she asked me. I felt a bad feeling in my gut. "Yes why?" I asked her. She looked at the ground. "Well you see.."

Under the stars ~ Ydris x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now