Happy ending.

540 19 8

[Y/N] your name
[H/N] horse name
[Y/P] your pronouns
[E/C] eye colour
[F/C] favorite colour
[F/F] favorite food.

I was filled with rage. I ran up to Darko and pulled him of Ydris. "Don't you dare touch him again."
"And what are you going to do?" He asked me in a teasing tone.
"You don't want to find out." I said harshly. "Maybe I do want to find out." Darko said as he stood back up. Ydris was standing behind me. Alex and Lisa and Linda had left the tent, in order to recover.

Ydris took a couple of steps and stood infront of me. "Darko. It's over. Leave me and the soulriders alone." Ydris said.
"Heh, and what if I don't?"
Ydris jumped into Darko and raised his fist. "You won't like what happens if you don't listen to me." He said, threatening Darko. Darko attempted to push Ydris off of him and succeeded. Darko stood back up. And so did Ydris.

Alex came running into the tent. "You're going down Darko!" She shouted at him as Maya, Anne and Lisa followed behind her. Maya raised her pitchfork and the others raised their hands. "Darko, you won't win this fight." I said, claiming victory.
"Well, we will have to find out, won't we." Darko said still confident.

Alex quickly shot at Darko. Darko ducked down. "Ah, you missed me."
"I didn't miss you for one bit." Again Alex with her snarky comments. I also raised my hand and so did Ydris. Darko raised up a rune and Ydris quickly kicked it out of his hand. Possibly breaking one of Darko's fingers. The rune dropped to the ground and I quickly picked it up.

"He still has one more rune in his possession!" Linda shouted at at me and Ydris. Both of us nodded at her and then turned our attention back to Darko. Alex shot at Darko again. This time hitting him. Darko let out a loud scream. "You haven't won yet." He said as blood dripped down from his lip.

Ydris kicked him to the ground, knocking him out. "Ydris, we could've just killed him." Anne commented. "Oh, but isn't it more fun to lock him up?" Ydris replied. And Anne's face lit up. "Let's bring him back to Valedale then, we will let Avalon and Evergray decide what we do with him." Lisa said. All of us walked back to the entrance and eventually it was just me and Ydris left.

"Dove, I love you."
I gasp escaped my mouth. "Ydris-"
He leaned in and so did I. He kissed me and it felt like it could go on forever. When he pulled back I told repeated the words he had just told me seconds ago. "I love you too, Ydris." He put his hand on my waist and we walked out of the tent. Alex went back inside with her horse. And a few moments later she returned with Darko on her horses back. "He probably won't wake up for a while." Alex said while slightly laughing.

All of us talked about what just had happened in the battle. I took a deep breath. I finally felt okay, Darko was being sealed with and I could be with Ydris freely. "Dove, what should we do when we go back home?"
"Home?" I asked him since we lived in different houses.
"Yeah, home, with me." I could hear Maya and Lisa squeel in the background.

When we arrived in Valedale we went straight to Avalon and Evergray. Alex practically threw Darko's body at their feet. "What am I supposed to do with.. this?" Avalon asked us in confusion. "He will wake up any second now, best would be to lock him up." Anne said. "Evergray, can you build a jail cell for this thing." Avalon asked Evergray. "Eh, I'm pretty sure Darko is a human." Linda commented.
"Who said I was talking about him?" Avalon said while looking at Ydris. "Avalon, cut it out." Evergray said to his brother.

It has been 2 years since the battle happened. I had fully moved in with Ydris. The two of us were happily living in his wagon.

We were sitting against the wagon and looking at the clouds. "Remember the first time we sat here?"
"Of course I do, we fell asleep here!" Ydris answered.
"And then you lost my coat." Ydris added.
"Haha, funny. You're not going to let that go, are you?"
"I don't think so, no."
I gently closed my eyes and drifted of into a sleep.

I carefully opened my eyes. I noticed it had gone dark and the stars were out. I felt someone brush against my shoulder. It was Ydris and he placed one hand on my shoulder and the other on my waist. "The stars looks beautiful tonight."

Under the stars ~ Ydris x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now