Where is [Y/N]

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[Y/N] your name
[H/N] horse name
[Y/P] your pronouns
[E/C] eye colour
[F/C] favorite colour
[F/F] favorite food.
Alex's pov:
"Have you guys seen [Y/N]?" I asked the girls in slight panic. "I haven't." Anne replied. I looked over to Lisa and Linda. Who looked at each other and gestured something. "No, we have not seen [Y/P] either." They said in unison. "Am I supposed to find [Y/P] by myself then?" I asked the group.
"Pretty much, yeah." Lisa said. "I'm only joking!" She quickly added.
"Where should we look first?"
"Well, she's definitely not at Nilmers Highland."

Hearing that send shivers down my spine. I can't believe I ever dated that gross purple little alien goblin man. I pulled a face of disgust. "Are you okay Alex?" Anne asked me. "Yeah, just, you know." I said as I slightly shook my head. "Oh.." Anne said as she looked at the ground. She was the only one who knew about this. "Where should we start looking then?" I asked.
"We could start at Moorland." Linda suggested. It was a great suggestion. "Okay, let's go."

after a while of looking Alex reached the place she never thought [Y/N] would be. Nilmers Highland.

Y/N's pov:

"We looked all over for you"! Alex shouted. I was standing with Ydris, he had his hand wrapped around my waist. "Are you guys together?" She asked me. "No! We're just friends!" I let out as I pushed Ydris off of me. "Just friends?" He asked me in a cold tone. He walked back into the wagon and locked the door. "YDRIS I DIDN'T MEAN IT LIKE THAT" I shouted out as I knocked on the door. "I told you what he did, I told you how he betrayed my trust" Anne said as she let out a small whimper. "He betrayed me too" Alex sighed. "What do you mean?" I asked her.

I walked over to Alex and we both sat down on the grass. Anne, Linda and Lisa backed off and went somewhere else. "Here's what happened..."
"No I don't want to know."
"You don't?" she asked me with a questioning tone.
"You kept asking about it a few days ago."
"Yeah well, I don't want to know about it anymore. If my gut feeling is right, I'd rather not know about it."
"Okay then." Alex replied with a cold tone.
"No, you don't get to do that." I said slightly getting irritated now.
"What do you mean."
"You're acting all rude about the fact that I don't care anymore. I don't want to know your sob backstory."
"It was going to be a nice story!"
"Get over it."

I stood back up and walked away. I felt an adrenaline rush flow through my body. I don't remember the last time I stood up for myself like that. But it felt good. Awesome in fact. I did want to know what happened between Ydris and Alex. But Alex telling me just like that was wrong. I needed to find this out myself.

I felt someone's hands on my shoulders. "Y- Ydris?" I said with a slight stutter. "No. Lisa." Lisa said in a serious tone. I turned around to face her. "That was pretty brave of you, we both know Alex thinks she's the leader."
"Heh, thanks. And I'd do it again."
"That's what I like to hear [Y/N]!" She said in a supportive and approving tone. "But you can't stay mad at Alex and Anne forever. They were going to find out eventually." Just as I wanted to say something I heard a familiar voice.

"He turned you and the bobcats into horses! How can you just forgive him?" Alex asked me.
"Alex, can you please leave me alone."
"No. You can't be with him."
"And why not."
"He is my-"
"Shut up. Just shut up okay. Leave me alone. You do know I had to keep him a secret from you both." I said while i pointed at Anne and Alex. Linda walked over to me and stood next to me. "Wait, they knew?" Anne asked me. "They did. Because they are mature enough to forgive Ydris."
"[Y/N] is right, we should accept that [Y/P] want(s) to be with Ydris."
"I am not accepting that."
"Then that's your loss." Lisa said. Lisa wasn't the type to pick sides as they call it. Linda and Lisa turned around, and so did I. We walked over to Moorland and sat on the fence of the Moorland paddock.

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